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A singleplayer game does not need online play, and people who critize a game for not having online should just shut up and stick with the multiplayer focused games like CoD and Halo.
A game like Bioshock, Batman or Devil May Cry does not need online and should never be critized for not having it.
After all would you prefer the dev waste time tacking on a crap online mode, or focus on making the singleplayer experince even better?
I only care about single player experiences, I'd take issue if a game got down rated simply because it didn't have multiplayer.
I don't need an online multiplayer component. I prefer great single player experiences. Perhaps some local multiplayer is nice, but I don't play online. Honestly, it's becuas eI don't have the time or the talent to beat other people online.
Developers seem to think that multiplayer is required, but I don't believe it is.
Online is not a requirement for any game.
Actually, I'm more turned off at reviews that give AAA status to games with bad online or bad single player simply because the other half was good. To many online focused games get a pass even though they have bad single player, and too many single player games get a pass even though they have tacked on online.
No, but I'm surprised by games like uncharted and assassins creed costing $60 for not offering any multiplayer. SilverChimeraYeah that's another thing I want to touch upon, seems people feel more happy purchasing games full price if it has multiplayer and co-op. It's weird since last gen games were just as expensive in the beginning yet people didn't complain as much paying for singleplayer experiences. Anyway I wouldn't mind paying full price for a singleplayer only game as long as it's fulfilling and has other modes (not online). Im not really much of an online player but I do appreciate such features too.
Meh, don't really care either way. I dig a little online, but I'm more into single player these days, thus a game like L4D2 would get a much lower score from me for a $60 product.
No. Games don't need online play to be good.alberto1128Then why do most games come with robust online features but lack a good offline experience? I doubt games like COD4 and Gears of War would be AAA or as successful if they had no online features, granted devs would of course concentrate on making the singleplayer experience better if that was the case. It seems games that are lacking offline but good online have it easy to gain AAA as apposed to the other way round or games with no online features.
[QUOTE="SilverChimera"]No, but I'm surprised by games like uncharted and assassins creed costing $60 for not offering any multiplayer. Swift_Boss_AYeah that's another thing I want to touch upon, seems people feel more happy purchasing games full price if it has multiplayer and co-op. It's weird since last gen games were just as expensive in the beginning yet people didn't complain as much paying for singleplayer experiences. Anyway I wouldn't mind paying full price for a singleplayer only game as long as it's fulfilling and has other modes (not online). Im not really much of an online player but I do appreciate such features too. well I don't mind paying $60 for single player games like fallout 3 or demon's souls. Long single player games are fine paying $60 for. But Uncharted is at max 10-12 hours. Which IMO is short for $60. Same with Assassin's Creed.
[QUOTE="alberto1128"]No. Games don't need online play to be good.Swift_Boss_AThen why do most games come with robust online features but lack a good offline experience? I doubt games like COD4 and Gears of War would be AAA or as successful if they had no online features, granted devs would of course concentrate on making the singleplayer experience better if that was the case. It seems games that are lacking offline but good online have it easy to gain AAA as apposed to the other way round or games with no online features. Because games with online are more likely to have tons of replay value whereas some single player only games may not. Not all online focused games get a free pass, look at warhawk lol.
[QUOTE="alberto1128"]No. Games don't need online play to be good.Swift_Boss_AThen why do most games come with robust online features but lack a good offline experience? I doubt games like COD4 and Gears of War would be AAA or as successful if they had no online features, granted devs would of course concentrate on making the singleplayer experience better if that was the case. It seems games that are lacking offline but good online have it easy to gain AAA as apposed to the other way round or games with no online features. That's because online is relatively new and shiny (on consoles anyway) . It doesn't help that the majority of games reviewers seem to be very easily impressed.
Clearly online is a big part of this gen and games that don't come with such features usually have a hard time getting noticed compared to games with online features. Swift_Boss_A
Its (unfortunatly) true, its completely stupid and its another shamefull agenda pushed by the journalist circle.
It has almost become mandatory for games to have some form of online integration to stand out, singleplayer experiences just doesn't do it for most anymore. I also believe gamers, or system warriors (lol) feel more safe hyping a game for AAA status if it has online play. What do you guys reckon? Swift_Boss_A
People who eat up the "standards" written in stone by random school-dropout reviewers as the almighty truth should seriously observe how their judgement is being continuously polluted by the press. The very same press who makes alot of its money by exposing new tech and hooking up new followers with dedicated segments on these "true next-gen, mandatory" feutures, like online play.
Online play = online comunity. And online comunities are goldmines for gaming sites like IGN, Gamespot, etc, etc...
Unfortunately, mindhive mentality really does influence developers, who are forced to do shoe-horn stuff that either doesnt make any sense, sacrifices other resources, or both. See Resident Evil 5's co-op mode, or Bioshock 2's new multiplayer offering (lol)
But hey, videogame journalists gotta eat too
The best game this gen (SMG) doesn't have any online.
and im actully more shocked that games who score AAA dont have local multiplayer o,o
mario galaxy has a fun co-op
Too many devs nowa days think Online is good enough to warrant anot-so goodsingle player. And sadly, Reviews think it is true *cough* Uncharted 2 *cough*
Too many devs nowa days think Online is good enough to warrant anot-so goodsingle player. And sadly, Reviews think it is true *cough* Uncharted 2 *cough*
that's strange, i could swear Uncharted 2 was being praised for having a great single player
we must be talking about different games
But on topic, not at all, in fact if the game has a great single player, I'll probably give it a go over a game with great multi
Games don't need online components, but no matter how good they are without them, there should be no reason why they are $60. I feel stupid for buying Prototype and will not buy games like Batman AA or inFamous as there isn't much value. They should be $40 tops.
Edit: Unless it's a huge RPG (i.e. Oblivion, Mass Effect, FO3)
Too many devs nowa days think Online is good enough to warrant anot-so goodsingle player. And sadly, Reviews think it is true *cough* Uncharted 2 *cough*
that's strange, i could swear Uncharted 2 was being praised for having a great single player
we must be talking about different games
I meant on more of a personal level. To me, Uncharteds week point was the Combat....TOO MUCH OF IT!! The Puzzles and Platforming were great. I know there is less puzzles, and probably the same amount of platforming. Less Puzzles=even more Combat. The Single Player doesn't sound so good in my eyes. And I don't play games like Uncharted for the Multiplayer.
While games like Killzone and Halo gain a great amount of good reception from their online and combined single player, they have taken the time to focus on these features, and really go lucky in some parts. Games like Bioshock and Batman though, the devs worked purely on the single player experience, putting more into it than the other devs who have to work on more parts, thus making it more polished, longer, and generally more enjoyable. While it won't have the popularity or fanbase of focused PvP players, you cannot say Halo 3 has a better single player experience than say, Bioshock. Call of Duty 4 has an amazing single player experience, but its VERY short and linear, so thats one sign of suffering in one part for the sake of another (the robust online).
Obviously, games like inFAMOUS, Prototype, Batman, and Mario would be less great in what they are supposed to be great at if the devs shoehorned in online play, which wouldn't even be able to compete with the juggernauts of Call of Duty, Rainbow Six, and games that just generally put equal focus on both parts. The Darkness and Condemned 2 are two examples of games with unnecessary online that just did not get put to use(although Condemned 2 has some great ideas I will admit).
And of course, Fallout 3 which is large enough on its own (although an MMO or co-op mode would be absolutely amazing I will admit).
I for one don't care about online, i played way more killzone 2 single player then i did the online, infamous is the best game this year and it didn't have any online component
1-If there's a great single player and no (or bad) multiplayer I'm fine.
2-If there's a great multiplayer and no (or bad) single player I'm fine.
Too many devs nowa days think Online is good enough to warrant anot-so goodsingle player. And sadly, Reviews think it is true *cough* Uncharted 2 *cough*
that's strange, i could swear Uncharted 2 was being praised for having a great single player
we must be talking about different games
I meant on more of a personal level. To me, Uncharteds week point was the Combat....TOO MUCH OF IT!! The Puzzles and Platforming were great. I know there is less puzzles, and probably the same amount of platforming. Less Puzzles=even more Combat. The Single Player doesn't sound so good in my eyes. And I don't play games like Uncharted for the Multiplayer.
well to be fair they said that although there's less puzzels, the U2 ones are alot more fun than U1's
If you mean that having online is sometimes a "get out of jail free" card for games that have lousy sp then yes (in the eyes of reviewers and system warriors).
Personally, I'd like online to be taken down a notch.
I started playing games loooong before online came along. I have enjoyed onling gaming "pc and console" BUT if a game is good without online..GREAT..I dont have LIVE anylonger and dont plan on getting it again ever. So online is nothing to me now.
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