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360 making profit, MS stated it will sell 360 as long as its in demand, even if the next Xbox is released, they buy out devs for exclusives, LIVE growing despite cost, and its selling faster then the origional XBox did.
Not worried in the slightest.
not even alittle bit.lawlessxI guess this summers price drop,depending how much will determine how much the 360 sells this year-hoping for$100 on all three modles but it will probaly be $50 again and $30 on the core
Not really, the 360's future is always getting better, while the ps3's is always getting worse with game cancellations, delays, and other stuff like that.
i'm not worried about the future of the 360 as a console, i'm more worried about it as MY console...
i love it though...regardless of the faults.
For me its the opposite I have had my Wii since 2 weeks after its launch and I berly got the 360 in Janurary of this year and I havent touched my Wii in 6 months.
Its cauze as of right now nothing big has came out unlike last year how we had Bioshock, COD 4, assassins creed the orange box ect.
But dont worry Gears 2, Left 4 Dead, Banjo, Re 5 and Half life 2 episode 3 are on the horizon
I want one I hope it does start dying muhaha, The i can buy one after I buy the ps3. ff7isnumbaone
Now there's some insightful reasoning for you...:roll:
I'm worried but for different reasons than the TC.
I'm afraid they don't know which avenues to explore. It seems they wanted to explore the hi-def format avenue for a while and there are still rumblings of pursuing a BluRay add-on.
It seems they want to explore the motion control avenue similar to what the Wii offers.
They're trumping Sony's online gaming network but at the same time, Sony continues to make strides in that department so they have to continue fending them off.
Sony's recent success with MGS4 shows that it still has a lot of juice left especially with support and developers in Japan. Yet another thorn in Microsoft's side.
My concern is that with MS picking so many battles, and having so many areas to spread themselves in, coupled with mounting losses in the Xbox department, things are not going to be so rosy.
Which would be a shame. Despite my preference for the PS3, the 360 has the most diverse library, the largest and highest quality library, and a fantastic online network to boot. It would be a shame for them to bow out of the race (unlikely but there are worrisome signs)
I have trouble sleeping every night worrying about what will happen to my precious 360. Then in the morning , I donate 100$ to the poor Microsoft corporation so that they dont go bankrupt.
lol @ 360 fanboys saying 'not one bit'. You know you are. PS3 has another 7 years left in it. What does the 360 have to battle with during those years?
Which is why you're worried.
Gears of War 2 looks to be goty I will wait and seerofflecopter_
You think it'll beat MGS 4? Good luck!
Not in the least,
Microsoft is finally in the black with 360 and they are getting more genres then last gen.
lol @ 360 fanboys saying 'not one bit'. You know you are. PS3 has another 7 years left in it. What does the 360 have to battle with during those years?
Which is why you're worried.
Yet Ironically enough MGS4 is the first time most of us Manticores have picked up a PS3 controller in 2008.
The PS3 has a long way to go in terms of games before t he 360 fanboys should start to worry.
lol @ 360 fanboys saying 'not one bit'. You know you are. PS3 has another 7 years left in it. What does the 360 have to battle with during those years?
Which is why you're worried.
Lol @ the PS3 fanboys gobbling up the lies that theyre console will last 10 years! Seriously how could anyone really believe that a console's lifespan could be 10 years? Only pure fanboys I say!
lol @ 360 fanboys saying 'not one bit'. You know you are. PS3 has another 7 years left in it. What does the 360 have to battle with during those years?
Which is why you're worried.
Why would 360 fans be worried? They have no reason to.
The 360 is getting more and more games (some of which have even been Sony exclusives). Cows on the other hand have been seeing ps3 games get delayed and/or cancelled. Definately not a good sign.
By that time, a new Xbox will be out with far better graphics and capabilities than this gen of hardware, and instead of 99% of games fitting on a single DVD only 95% of games will fit on a DVD. The PS3 and 360 will look like garbage against a new 2010/2011 system, the PS3 will not be able to compete against it, and you're being foolish if you think it can @ 360 fanboys saying 'not one bit'. You know you are. PS3 has another 7 years left in it. What does the 360 have to battle with during those years?
Which is why you're worried.
[QUOTE="rofflecopter_"]Gears of War 2 looks to be goty I will wait and seetmacscores91
wow...just freaking wow
Are you saying wow because you are amazed by the game, or do you not know what you're talking about?
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