Yeah, I'm not really happy with the performance 'next gen' consoles are offering either. But on the other hand, Sony couldn't have gone for 599 again. It would've been a disaster.
We are just the start of the gen and Watch_dogs already showcases the massive difference between PC and consoles. The strongest console, PS4 can't even hold up against a mid-end PC GPU. As that offers better performance, higher res and higher settings than a PS4 does.
And that's just the start. From here on out the differences will grow even larger...
I haven't played those but I can imagine it: buttons replaced by touch icons. I played GTA SA on iPhone once and the controls made me cringe. This wasn't the SA I played that controlled smoothly on PC or consoles... But then again a lot of older games don't have camera controls and those were my main issues with SA.
The thing is, If you want multiplats, go PC. If you want exclusives, go console
PC currently, and last gen, has more aaa-aa scoring exclusives than all 3 systems combined......
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