Arkane Lyon is reportedly working on a "more ambitious" project
According to a supposedly trustworthy but biased insider, Microsoft never really believed much in Redfall in the first place.
Critics and audiences don't like Redfall at all and the situation is getting worse. Now, there's an influx of new info about the game's development. An interesting tale supposedly comes from a French retailer who throws Arkane Lyon and Redfall under the bus.
For context, Arkane Studios is split into two different studios. Arkane Lyon is the lead developer of the Dishonored franchise and Deathloop. Meanwhile, Arkane Austin worked on Prey, which had nothing to do with the game of a similar name from way back then, and Redfall.
Going back to the source, a rough translation claims that no one believed in Redfall and Microsoft wanted to push it out of development as soon as possible. Furthermore, Arkane Lyon is working on a "much more ambitious game," which is in line with earlier rumors.
Unfortunately, the same source refused to reveal more information about what Arkane Lyon is working on.
Please Make immersive sims again. instead of some online coop loot crap.
Hope its Dishonored 3, Prey 2 or new IP that is immersive sim.
After redfall faliure. Arkane should return to immersive sims again.
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