@lrdfancypants: I bet theres a lot of stuff you dont know based on that comment.
Study debunked. Sony damage control confirmed.
"Phil Spencer ✔ @XboxP3
Now over 300 back compat titles. Nearly 50% of XB1 owners playing BC games is great to see. Thanks for supporting the program."
Going to the title screen and then deciding to play something else doesn't count for a lot of usage.
Do you want BC for Playstation or not? If you agree with Jim Ryan of Sony just say so.
Xbox owners are not complaining. This is an issue for you guys to decide.
@loe12k: yeah because fanboys that believe in conspiracy theories are so smart lol. You're getting really desperate and irrational like on that thread yesterday.
Do you want BC for Playstation or not? If you agree with Jim Ryan of Sony just say so.
Xbox owners are not complaining. This is an issue for you guys to decide.
I just don't see it that way. I keep my consoles for this reason. 70+ million PS4 owners already decided BC wasn't a deal maker or a deal breaker. It's just not a thing,
@loe12k: yeah because fanboys that believe in conspiracy theories are so smart lol. You're getting really desperate and irrational like on that thread yesterday.
Not a conspiracy when Microsoft believes that's true also. Phil Spencer has often commented on bias xbox one news on Twitter.
@kvally: You yet again ignored my entire point and are arguing on something I didn't even say.
BC is clearly not a "standard" feature when all three current gen consoles didn't launch with it.
You're just wrong. Deal with it.
You have clearly got in over your head here. Now you are just lying. All three consoles are playing old games and have BC. That is a fact that you cannot deny, no matter how you spin it.
Honestly, you just need to step away from they keyboard, and your prized PS console. You are just losing credibility with every post. We are done here if you can't even have a mature discussion.
Do you want BC for Playstation or not? If you agree with Jim Ryan of Sony just say so.
Xbox owners are not complaining. This is an issue for you guys to decide.
I just don't see it that way. I keep my consoles for this reason. 70+ million PS4 owners already decided BC wasn't a deal maker or a deal breaker. It's just not a thing,
Then don't complain if PS4 games are not bc for PS5, when ever that ships.
@kvally: You yet again ignored my entire point and are arguing on something I didn't even say.
BC is clearly not a "standard" feature when all three current gen consoles didn't launch with it.
You're just wrong. Deal with it.
You have clearly got in over your head here. Now you are just lying. All three consoles are playing old games and have BC. That is a fact that you cannot deny, no matter how you spin it.
Honestly, you just need to step away from they keyboard, and your prized PS console. You are just losing credibility with every post. We are done here if you can't even have a mature discussion.
True, all consoles have BC... Xbox least tried to be consumer friendly.
@loe12k: So Microsoft thinks this Arstechnica article is paid or sponsored by Sony? I highly doubt Microsoft is so stupid.
@loe12k: So Microsoft thinks this Arstechnica article is paid or sponsored by Sony? I highly doubt Microsoft is so stupid.
He has not talked about this. Phil Spencer is well aware though, the gaming media is about Playstation this gen and bashing xbox one. Gaming media is about clicks, that's how they earn money. They need the trolls coming to their site to read their trash.
@kvally: You realize I own an Xbox One and have a pretty large library of Xbox 360 games that I am very happy are playable now right?
You're the one who needs to take a break from your ridiculous blind fanboyism.
You still ignore my original point, move the goalpost, and now claim I'm lying all while trying to dance around what I'm saying.
@kvally: didn't Sony just cancelled PSNow on several regions and devices. If anything, that's a testament on how little PSNow is used. Now that it'll include PS4 games it might get used more. But Wasdie is right, you're arguing against numbers which is dumb if you don't have numbers yourself to counter his argument. Numbers say BC is not a very relevant feature.
@loe12k: yes and the greys that kidnapped me yesterday told me that BC is very useful. Give it a rest, I think you're too invested in your fanboyism and it is affecting your mind.
XD kvally you are stepping in front of a Gatling gun, man. What are you doing? XD No fear. Zero fear.
@Wasdie: that can be true, I've personally never used it or plan to use it lol
Any "streaming" service for playing games has sucked. PSNow is no different. You got to pay a subscription to have the privilege of buying games on the service too. Terrible business model.
lol @ the raging lemmings in this thread. Mad because they can't accept reality.
PS3 had real BC last-gen at launch not the half ass BS you guys call BC and it still didn't make a difference. I probably used the BC on my launch PS3 a total of 3 times despite PS2 having the arguably greatest software library known to man. Face it you clowns, BC while a nice feature isn't one that makes a difference to most gamers. Xbone with its anemic software lineup this gen might rely on BC to sweeten the deal but it's an outlier rather than the norm. The fact remains that BC is a nice feature but highly under-utilized by most console owners. Does this mean that Sony shouldn't offer BC with PS5? Of course not, they should give the option to gamers but they should focus more on delivering new games first for their new console before BC.
I used BC on my PS3 last gen all the time because PS3 had no games.
@kvally: in this case the percentage of time people play BC games is more relevant. The 50% number could include people that try a game once but never again which is hardly significant to determine how relevant BC is.
I don't know if those numbers are legit or not but my bottom line is that BC adds value, and that's what we should demand as consumers. I find it bizarre PS users actually defending having an inferior service.
@kvally: lol dude, you posted a gif as a response, that's not arguing, that's a kindergarten-level tantrum.
@kvally: lol dude, you posted a gif as a response, that's not arguing, that's a kindergarten-level tantrum.
Yup, there you go again, back on the insult train. Why don't you post back when you have the official playtime figures for BC games. We await your reply.
@kvally: we have the arstechnica figures. Since they're the only figures available now that's better than nothing. We also have the Sony executives saying BC is one of the least used features so that's two sources vs none from you.
Here is more proof that nobody wants BC nor plays BC:
As of November 2016:
We’re thrilled with the response and engagement we’ve seen from the community with more than 210 million hours of gameplay logged
Previous milestones:
August 18th 2016 - 145M hours
June 28th 2016 - 100M hours
@kvally: that's only one game which is hardly significant. And which percentage of the total gameplay time does that 210 million represent? There's a lot of info missing there for a proper comparison.
@kvally: that's only one game which is hardly significant. And which percentage of the total gameplay time does that 210 million represent? There's a lot of info missing there for a proper comparison.
lol, what?
BTW, you haven't provided a single thing, and yet I keep providing stats. Your turn. We are still waiting on you.
@kvally: That's just showing that if it's an option, people will take advantage of it. That's not really an indication that it's a driver of sales.
Even I fired up some old Xbox 360 games because I could. I didn't hold out on buying the console until BC was out.
That's the entire argument you're ignoring. Nobody is arguing that there is no demand for BC. The argument, as provided by the Arstechnica article, is that it's not a highly demanded feature all together and thus has very little impact in consoles sales. Thus explaining why the consoles didn't bother supporting BC on day one and how supporting BC isn't really giving you a leg up in the race.
Of course you've proven yourself to be completely incapable of recognizing that argument.
@kvally: That's just showing that if it's an option, people will take advantage of it. That's not really an indication that it's a driver of sales.
Even I fired up some old Xbox 360 games because I could. I didn't hold out on buying the console until BC was out.
That's the entire argument you're ignoring. Nobody is arguing that there is no demand for BC. The argument, as provided by the Arstechnica article, is that it's not a highly demanded feature all together and thus has very little impact in consoles sales. Thus explaining why the consoles didn't bother supporting BC on day one and how supporting BC isn't really giving you a leg up in the race.
Of course you've proven yourself to be completely incapable of recognizing that argument.
And you continue to make up every single thing you say. How is it that I have told you time and time again that I don't think BC impacts the sale of consoles, and yet here you go AGAIN stating that I feel that BC is driving console sales.
Once you can stop spinning or making up comments, you might be taken seriously again. Then again I wouldn't expect you to understand.
@kvally: oh sorry my bad, I thought the 210 million figure was for Skate 3. I see is for the entire BC service which is even worse. What percentage of the total gameplay time does 210 mean? For all we know the Arstechnica article is correct and those 210 million hours is indeed a small percentage so you haven't yet debunked the original figures. You need percentages dude not just a figure without context.
@kvally: oh sorry my bad, I thought the 210 million figure was for Skate 3. I see is for the entire BC service which is even worse. What percentage of the total gameplay time does 210 mean? For all we know the Arstechnica article is correct and those 210 million hours is indeed a small percentage so you haven't yet debunked the original figures. You need percentages dude not just a figure without context.
So you have nothing? We are still waiting. I have posted numerous details, regarding BC direct from MS. We are waiting on you to post some info from MS backing up your claim. Waiting right here.
@kvally: no, you haven't posted any relevant figures to debunk the arstechnica ones. Learn to debate troll.
The important thing is your content carrying over to future gens. If MS can keep this going it will be huge for buying into digital content. I use bc here and there. MS just needs to keep this going like how PC Gaming keeps old games alive.
If Sony could bring back bc and titles like Socom 2, Twisted Metal, Motorstorm and etc with multiplayer, that would be rad.
Study debunked. Sony damage control confirmed.
"Phil Spencer ✔ @XboxP3
Now over 300 back compat titles. Nearly 50% of XB1 owners playing BC games is great to see. Thanks for supporting the program."
You see what stat is missing? That tweet is SO POINTLESS!
Head of Xbox, is lying of course he is. Just like 343 was lying about FH3 sales yesterday.
Gaming media is damaging controlling a major **** for Sony yesterday. It was Don Mattrick moment for Sony heading into E3.
Lol, this dumbass.
The important thing is your content carrying over to future gens. If MS can keep this going it will be huge for buying into digital content. I use bc here and there. MS just needs to keep this going like how PC Gaming keeps old games alive.
If Sony could bring back bc and titles like Socom 2, Twisted Metal, Motorstorm and etc with multiplayer, that would be rad.
You say that, but what if something like Cell re-emerged (and, of course, was actually effective and development friendly)? This reliance on a single architecture for the sake of what appears to be vastly under-utilized feature could end up being a huge liability in the console gaming market. Perhaps ARM or PPC could be the next thing. It's hard to predict the future. If BC is this really important thing to you, PC gaming is where you belong or you need to hold on to your consoles.
Lol, the survey is taken during the busiest time for new games....
WTF clowns?
As before, if Sony announce BC of ANY kind at E3, you fanboy idiots will be riding the F*** out of it.
The PS3 had backward compatibility 100% day 1 with PS2 and PS1 the amount of games that you could play out of the box was staggering and dwarfed what the 360 offered by endless miles.
And you in special could not give 2 shits,and never owned a PS3 hell you were what a so call ""PS2"" fan before the 360?
So please spare me the tears about BC,BC is great when is done right and early on the generation where you can't find much to play on a console,but almost 4 years into the generation who the hell cares about it,every consoles should carry its own weight by this time frame,the PS2 and 360 were a testament to that and to a point the PS3 in an opposite way.
Black Ops II finally hit the backward compatible list on April 11 after months of massive demand seen across social media. And while it's generally safe to assume games hitting the list see a decent bump in sales after they're released, Black Ops II even managed to best last year's Call of Duty release, Infinite Warfare, which came in at number eleven.
Here's a look at the full top ten, in order:
You don't need much to chart on April NPD 80k is probably enough probably even less.
And 6,000% jump without the actual number of copies being sold + the one sold on that month doesn't say much.
6,000% increase over nothing still is nothing..
Thread backfired as words are twisted and misinformation is spread. Quote where Jim Ryan "was right" and said "you don't buy new system to play last-gen games"? No one stated that but what he stated is damage control. The fact is that there are many especially their fans that request for the option. But instead of Sony giving them that option, they just knock it down by saying "these games look ancient" that's why we don't offer BC but at the same time they continue to offer ancient looking games thru their PSN Store and PSNow for a fee LOL.
And since this Xbox One BC is a work in progress, of course the percentage of available BC games & activity will always be lower. This chart is funny though as it shows that their users do play Xbox One games more than anything said otherwise like how they said Xbox is for TV, TV, TV, etc. It's still mind blogging how Sony brain washed their fans to accept the removal & denial of their highly requested option for BC. They celebrate especially some users here how BC activity percentage is low on this chart but at the same time they fail to realized that they don't even have the option. Sony are listening to these users and if things don't change, BC for the next PlayStation is highly unlikely.
Lol, the survey is taken during the busiest time for new games....
WTF clowns?
As before, if Sony announce BC of ANY kind at E3, you fanboy idiots will be riding the F*** out of it.
The PS3 had backward compatibility 100% day 1 with PS2 and PS1 the amount of games that you could play out of the box was staggering and dwarfed what the 360 offered by endless miles.
And you in special could not give 2 shits,and never owned a PS3 hell you were what a so call ""PS2"" fan before the 360?
So please spare me the tears about BC,BC is great when is done right and early on the generation where you can't find much to play on a console,but almost 4 years into the generation who the hell cares about it,every consoles should carry its own weight by this time frame,the PS2 and 360 were a testament to that and to a point the PS3 in an opposite way.
Black Ops II finally hit the backward compatible list on April 11 after months of massive demand seen across social media. And while it's generally safe to assume games hitting the list see a decent bump in sales after they're released, Black Ops II even managed to best last year's Call of Duty release, Infinite Warfare, which came in at number eleven.
Here's a look at the full top ten, in order:
You don't need much to chart on April NPD 80k is probably enough probably even less.
And 6,000% jump without the actual number of copies being sold + the one sold on that month doesn't say much.
6,000% increase over nothing still is nothing..
Thread backfired as words are twisted and misinformation is spread. Quote where Jim Ryan "was right" and said "you don't buy new system to play last-gen games"? No one stated that but what he stated is damage control. The fact is that there are many especially their fans that request for the option. But instead of Sony giving them that option, they just knock it down by saying "these games look ancient" that's why we don't offer BC but at the same time they continue to offer ancient looking games thru their PSN Store and PSNow for a fee LOL.
And since this Xbox One BC is a work in progress, of course the percentage of available BC games & activity will always be lower. This chart is funny though as it shows that their users do play Xbox One games more than anything said otherwise like how they said Xbox is for TV, TV, TV, etc. It's still mind blogging how Sony brain washed their fans to accept the removal & denial of their highly requested option for BC. They celebrate especially some users here how BC activity percentage is low on this chart but at the same time they fail to realized that they don't even have the option. Sony are listening to these users and if things don't change, BC for the next PlayStation is highly unlikely.
And yet no of the fannies are addressing the fact that Sony has an entire business that is dedicated soley for BC, that being PSNow. If BC was such a non profitable and meaningless venture PSNow would cease to exist. But its still here.
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