[QUOTE="BambooBanger"] [QUOTE="Strivos"]
Final Fantasy XIII is looking somewhat intresting. Now some of you might know that pretty much FFVII, I have abhored the FF series (with the exclusion of FFTA, I don't know why, but the game was highly amusing, and the sequal looks awesome as well).
Along with SE churing out the garbage that was KH series (remeber these are my opinions, so hold back on the rabid fanboysim ya KH pansies) my opinion of SE wasn't the highest lately, especially because companies were churing out better RPG's (both Westen and Eastern) I had pretty much given up on SE along with it's rehashes.
But this game is bringing back the little spark of intrest I had when playing the old school FF's, it's intresting, innovative and looks gorgeus (I know, I know FFXII tried to be innovative, but in my mind, it failed. HARD)
Any other disollusioned FF fans starting to intrested in this latest series?
How does FF THIRTEEN look interesting ? Nothing has been said about the game, only a few months ago they said they were 30% complete, all visuals have been pre-rendered - and even those look like the usual affair.
If anything you've been roped into the FFXIII fanboy hype, and they don't even know what theyre hyping,which is funny for a game that doesnt even have a storyline yet.
reminds me of how people were hyping Halo3 the day X360 was announced. Why did they hype it? because bungie has a good track record. same goes here for every other game, including Final Fantasy games.
Halo 3 was the continuation and conclusion of an obviously popular franchise.
All Final Fantasy games lack any general cohesion (even though there are thirteen of them) and are stand-alone games with nothing in common with one another apart from the ladyboy link.
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