yeah, im officially amped up to get this game now
"First up, let's check out that awesome AC-130. If you thought calling in a helicopter strike was intense in Modern Warfare, then you'll be blown away by the destructive power of the 55 tons of flying death that is the Lockheed AC-130, which was featured in the Death From Above mission in the first game. You'll need to be a pretty elite player to get the AC-130 (because it requires 11 kills in a row), but once you do, it will be enough to send all your enemies cowering in fear. But even this massive piece of air support is not a confirmed match winner--the AC-130 sticks around for only 30 seconds, you are vulnerable while using it (because your character will be controlling the plane while crouched using a remote laptop), and organized enemies can take it down using RPGs and other antiaircraft weaponry.
The AC-130 is one of the new killstreak bonuses in Modern Warfare 2, a system which has been expanded with the addition of new rewards as well as the ability to choose the order in which you unlock them. While you'll still get the UAV bonus at three kills, a missile strike at five, and chopper support at seven, you'll also get care packages, counter-UAV, sentry guns, and, of course, the AC-130. The Care Package is an interesting addition: you'll gain this after a four kill streak, and when used, it drops a supply crate onto your chosen point in the map. What's inside the Care Package, however, is random. It could be as simple as ammo, or it could be a killstreak reward, allowing you to access the higher bonuses without having to do the tough work of killing your opponents. It's a potential match winner and will allow even novice players the opportunity to use the longer killstreak bonuses (at least if they get lucky with a package). Care Package users need to be careful, though, as enemies can also open the package and steal whatever goodies lie within.
Balancing out the improved killstreaks are new deathstreaks, which are rewards that are conferred onto players if they're killed multiple times in a row. The deathstreaks we saw (which kicked in at three deaths in a row) were copycat and painkiller. Copycat allows you to "steal" your killer's ****and loadout (even if you haven't unlocked those weapons), while painkiller gives you a temporary health boost when you first respawn. These bonuses obviously aren't as powerful as killstreaks, but they may be just enough for players who are getting constantly squashed to score a morale-boosting victory now and again.
You can customize which killstreaks and deathstreaks you bring into battle, which is just one part of Modern Warfare 2's improved ****creation system. Both primary and secondary weapons can be fitted with attachments and camo, with Infinity Ward reps telling us the list of adds-on has increased significantly (silenced shotgun, anyone?). Players also have a new equipment slot that they can customize. Mapped to the right bumper, this equipment slot allows you to swap out frag grenades and instead choose from a list which includes throwing knives (a one-hit kill), a blast shield, semtex (explosives which stick to an enemy when thrown), tactical insertion (where you can choose your next spawn point), and two others which were locked in the multiplayer build we played."
unlike treyarch whosthe copy and paste champions, IW brings newideas to the table. in this case were not simply talking about maps but also perks, weapons,multi match opitons....the works. honestly how can this possibly be related to MW1 except by name? (aside from the engine which has also been improved)
EDIT: i dont know whats up with GS. you cant even say the harmless of words in some cases
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