[QUOTE="m3Boarder32"][QUOTE="trix5817"][QUOTE="m3Boarder32"][QUOTE="trix5817"][QUOTE="m3Boarder32"][QUOTE="yuna707"]To behonest, PC has an arguably better lineup well than all next 3 gen systems put together >.>
Its not gonna stay that way. Anyways in terms of games Ps3 and Wii are beyong abysymal at the moment; the ps3 having yet to surpass the 360's launch in exclusives. So for that reason get a PC. It's worth the money, and the graphics blow away, and will continue to blow away consolel graphics for the rest of the gen, even without upgrading... Plus pr0n surfing on a HD TV ! j/k. Pc has always had the best games every generation, and this generation seems no different. I'd suggest a PC now, and maybe a 360 . If wii and ps3 appeal to you down in the road, by all means buy them.
btw I'm a hardcore lemming and I'm advocating PC! Check my post history if you don't believe.
Who cares if some games are multi-console? There are a ton of games that are multiplatform but not on PC.
I don't think PC has had a AAA Exclusive all year, unless you count expansion packs..
Expansion packs that have more content than most fully fledged games..:lol:......
The PC has 3 times as many AAE's than all next gen consoles combined and more AAAE's than all next-gen consoles combined since the launch of the 360.........
Also, games like UT3, Quak Wars, WiC, and some others aren't coming to consoles until next-year......and will all be best on the PC..........
Oh, and way to give your intentions away 3 pages into the thread........
AAAE's and AAE's dont matter...It's PSWii60 vs PC...Not PC vs Wii, PC vs 360, and PC vs PS3 individually..
Your basically saying I should choose PC because Virtua Fighter 4 is not exclusive to one console...Or because The Darkness is not exclusive to one console.. Or because Twilight Princess is also on Gamecube..Understand yet?
And the PC still has more AAA's/AA's, what's your point?:lol:
By comparing 3 systems to a single system, your complementing the PC. Your thread fails man. Nice try.
Lets keep this simple...Post all the AA and AAA PC games that are not available on consoles over the last year..And I'll post all the AA and AAA console games that arent on PC..
Keep it to games over the last year, to keep the searching easier..
I'm not going to take the time to do that........
Go to nerdman's thread. It has all the AAA/AA's for each system. PC is dominating this gen, just like it dominated last gen..........get over it.
I counted 95 AA games and 14 AAA games for consoles..
68AA and 11 AAA games for the PC..
Try again..
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