Please...port Rogue to PS4...looks soooo much better than Unity.
I find it so weird how a leak happens and then only a couple hours later or a day or two later suddenly all the marketing materials come rushing out for it, and it doesn't feel like the first time this has happened. I can't tell if the leak happens because it was already close to coming out, Ubisoft does damage control and they were just holding onto everything for a while, or releasing the leak first is some weird way for them to build hype before the actual reveal.
Anywho, I won't be buying either Unity or Rogue at release; going to wait a little while for each of them to drop in price. And who knows, maybe Rogue will surprise us and be the better game?
Not interested. This franchise has run its course.
arn't u interested in Unity?
Nope. I enjoyed the series up until AC3. 3 wasn't bad, but it lost steam and was pretty mediocre. AC4 was just bad. There have just been too many AC games now. They are all the same, with the same problems. There is nothing new to do anymore. You just go through a large open world and fill out a checklist.
Not interested. This franchise has run its course.
arn't u interested in Unity?
Nope. I enjoyed the series up until AC3. 3 wasn't bad, but it lost steam and was pretty mediocre. AC4 was just bad. There have just been too many AC games now. They are all the same, with the same problems. There is nothing new to do anymore. You just go through a large open world and fill out a checklist.
I agree ubisoft are defintly milking this franchise Unity is going to be the first ever Assassin creed game i buy so for me everything is still brand new.
Not interested. This franchise has run its course.
arn't u interested in Unity?
Nope. I enjoyed the series up until AC3. 3 wasn't bad, but it lost steam and was pretty mediocre. AC4 was just bad. There have just been too many AC games now. They are all the same, with the same problems. There is nothing new to do anymore. You just go through a large open world and fill out a checklist.
I agree ubisoft are defintly milking this franchise Unity is going to be the first ever Assassin creed game i buy so for me everything is still brand new.
I'm sure you will enjoy Unity, then. The games aren't that bad when they still feel fresh.
I find AC games incredible boring and repetitive but I did enjoy Black Flags because it was different.
Shame Unity looks like the same old, and it may just be me, but Rogue looks a hell of a lot more interesting than this rubbish unity we are getting for X1/PS4
Hmmm.... perhaps we might have seen a glimpse of this "Rogue" in AC4...
Possible spoilers follow.
Do you guys remember the special Templar suit you can unlock in AC4? The one from the skeleton locked in your island home?
The suits are similar enough, no? There are differences, yes, but it's pretty close. Could it be the same person? Or was it just a simple hint ( allowing you to use a Templar outfit in an AC game) of what might come? It seems a bit more than just a mere coincidence now though.
IV was set before Rogue and III, so no.
Hmmm.... perhaps we might have seen a glimpse of this "Rogue" in AC4...
Possible spoilers follow.
Do you guys remember the special Templar suit you can unlock in AC4? The one from the skeleton locked in your island home?
The suits are similar enough, no? There are differences, yes, but it's pretty close. Could it be the same person? Or was it just a simple hint ( allowing you to use a Templar outfit in an AC game) of what might come? It seems a bit more than just a mere coincidence now though.
Fyi not coincidence
Rogue takes place before Black Flag and is said to connect Kenways story, which is why I want Rogue to release on the PS4 or at least PC...actually PS4 cause Ubi games are trash on PC.
@Desmonic: Taken from the Gameinformer double feature article of Rogue and Unity
"Rogue places fans in the shoes of a Templar, controlling former Assassin-turned-Templar Shay Patrick Cormac. Employing the popular naval gameplay from Black Flag, you navigate a ship across the frigid North Atlantic. Other locales you visit include the Appalachian River Valley and a reimagined New York. Shay is an assassin hunter who has to be even more clever to outsmart his sneaky foes. This entry takes place during the Seven Years' War, filling in the gap between Black Flag and Assassin's Creed III. We won't spoil much, but it has a crucial link to the Kenway saga. Our exclusive feature gives more insight into Shay, details how the cold waters are different from Black Flag's Caribbean setting, and discusses the tools Shay has at his disposal for outsmarting assassins. The Seven Years' War is part of what lead to France's financial troubles, and it's hinted that Shay has even deeper ties to Unity."
@Desmonic: It sets up Kenways story so w/e :P. I don't even care about AC3, in fact AC4 was the only AC I enjoyed.
@Ballroompirate: Still not before AC4, regardless of how crap AC3 was :P
Can we just pretend AC3 never happened lol :D (and every other AC game)
@Ballroompirate: AC3 did nothing wrong
It did plenty wrong very underwhelming game.
@Bigboi500: The fact that it is France and takes away the naval aspects that made exploring so fun is a real downer. Nothing gameplay wise has impressed me enough to make up for the bland setting.
@Bigboi500: The fact that it is France and takes away the naval aspects that made exploring so fun is a real downer. Nothing gameplay wise has impressed me enough to make up for the bland setting.
AC IV was a great game. Heck I'm still sailing the southern seas. France during the French Revolution will be a very exciting time, and Unity looks to draw the series back to its roots and reminds me a lot of AC II. They've been working on this game for years and it will have much improved parkour, better NPCs, seamless indoor transitions and loads of content. Not to mention the co-op missions.
I think it'll be an amazing game.
I don't know much about this Rogue game, but I'm getting an early impression that it'll be rough and rushed--almost like an after thought. Ubi probably have had their b or c teams working on it.
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