That's the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
It doesn't win in sales or games. Of course, the games part comes from the fact that Gamespot is the law around these here parts.
The PS3 is dead last in sales and yet people brag about its sales. The PS3 has not won a year in terms of games yet. (every thread COWS themselves make always claim 2010 via exclusives and we know that means they are admitting the PS3 has not won a year yet)
Silverbond asks you: Why? Is it because the PS3 has been having a few good months? Sure, but it doesn't win in anything.
As usual, my evidence for games comes from the spreadsheet.
Author's note: Before you all flame the Bond to hell, hevjust want to say that he owns a PS3. The Bond enjoys it very much. But, in terms of SW there are just some things that are true and some that aren't. Personal opinions are fine, but for SW's sake The Bond just can't see how he's wrong.
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