At this moment in time, the PS3 can't claim ownage in anything...

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#101 shoryuken_
Member since 2009 • 3420 Posts

why do you care so much to have to start a thread about this, you must be really insecure or something.....

how bout you just play your damn games, and stop trying to get people to follow you.


This is called System Wars for a reason.

By the way.....your sig..what the ****

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#102 LegatoSkyheart
Member since 2009 • 29733 Posts

Who cares about Sales?

We all know that Multiplat games are exploding off the bum!

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#103 SwagSurf
Member since 2009 • 3022 Posts


PS3 won 2009 when it comes to games. Get over it :|


No it didn't :?

Yes it did. Your just a 360 fanboy :|

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#104 leadernator
Member since 2003 • 9064 Posts

That's the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

It doesn't win in sales or games. Of course, the games part comes from the fact that Gamespot is the law around these here parts.

The PS3 is dead last in sales and yet people brag about its sales. The PS3 has not won a year in terms of games yet. (every thread COWS themselves make always claim 2010 via exclusives and we know that means they are admitting the PS3 has not won a year yet)

Silverbond asks you: Why? Is it because the PS3 has been having a few good months? Sure, but it doesn't win in anything.

As usual, my evidence for games comes from the spreadsheet.

Author's note: Before you all flame the Bond to hell, hevjust want to say that he owns a PS3. The Bond enjoys it very much. But, in terms of SW there are just some things that are true and some that aren't. Personal opinions are fine, but for SW's sake The Bond just can't see how he's wrong.


"The Bond" is really letting the PS3 fans get to her.

Why are PS3 fans gloating? Well, they had an awesome year... which console got the most memorable, critically acclaimed games released this year? PS3 obviously (it should have been obvious last year, and it's completely unquestionable in 09) You'd really be the fool, and especially BIASED to believe otherwise.

It's not only the gamespot reviews... basically, go on almost every single professional, credible, and well known gaming website out there... gametrailers, xplay, whatever.. you name it. I don't think a professional out there would have the guts to say 360 had an impressive year... well, because it didn't. Simple as that :|

I thought you guys would have realized by now. It's an 360 vs. PS3 forum. Don't like it? Well too bad, because that's what it is, and you guys are the ones always contributing to this. PC? Yes, it's a system... too bad 85% of posts are PS3/360 related. You love Nintendo? You love the Wii? Again, too bad. You guys are an even bigger minority than the PC fanboy posters.

There's no competition with the Wii. Sure, it totally destroyed in sales... but who can honestly say that Nintendo's general consensus on quality gaming is seen as "awesome" ? No one. Absolutely no one. How many hardcore Nintendo fans will you see come in here, and tell you that the best gaming experience comes from a Wii? Like I thought. Critically acclaimed games for the Wii are based on Wii Standards/capabilities. Great games on Wii don't necessarily mean that they will be great games on 360... especially since you pay less for those games as well.

Then there's the PC. How do you even judge its sales? How can you find the number of PCs purchased that are strictly for gamers? As far as the games go... yeah, they are critically acclaimed, for sure. But not every PC can run these games in their highest potential. They are critically acclaimed BASED on the standards of the PC. Yes, they put into account that you can spend $500+ on a gaming PC... they put into account that there is no standard PC gaming controller, and the "difficulties" in getting games started. That's all PC Standards...

Standards... that's a big part of System Wars, and that's also something your Spreadsheet will never be able to tell us. PS3 and 360 are basically held up to the same standards. From graphics, to gameplay, to controllers, to features, to online... and even to overall userbase... PS3/360 is where the "war" is at. That said, PS3 easily dominated 360 in 09... and it did in 08 as well, just not as much.

Sure, PC and Wii are a big part of SW... to those who care that is. Yeah you'll have someone post a PC or Wii dedicated thread here and there... and you'll also have people snapping back at me, and possibly flame me for making this argument. The fact is, those people will be heated within the next hour or so... and then reality will kick in with PS3/360 posts taking 85% of each SW forum page...

I'm just saying...

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#105 W1NGMAN-
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Because you put it so nicely Ill believe you.


Off-topic: You're sig is amazing. Didn't know you liked Castlevania.

Thanks, Photoshop wasnt cooperating with me so it took me a good 3 hours to make :?

Castlevania is damn near my favoite franchise ever, my god its great :D

We recently loss an amazing poster who also loved Castlevania and had amazing sigs ... RIP -OATH!!!

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#106 jerkface96
Member since 2005 • 9189 Posts


why do you care so much to have to start a thread about this, you must be really insecure or something.....

how bout you just play your damn games, and stop trying to get people to follow you.


This is called System Wars for a reason.

By the way.....your sig..what the ****

hahaha well.. i thought people would enjoy it!
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#108 muzik_mafia
Member since 2009 • 1628 Posts

A good couple of months. 11? That's about a year. Pretty apparent Sony won 2009.

Who is the Bond? Is it you? Only cookigaki can pull off 3rd person speech :P

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#109 ElTriforceo
Member since 2009 • 1130 Posts
[QUOTE="Doolz2024"]The PS3 won when it comes to exclusives this year, didn't it? Danm_999
In AAAEs only really.

Once a console has 4 AAAEs and the others have none, or at most 1, comparing the number of AAEs if pointless. A console with 5 AAAEs has a better year than one with none and 20 AAEs because if you have time to play all 20 of those AAEs..... the hell are you doing with your life? Having just a few extremely great games is more important for judging because it proves its best is better than the rest. Proving that there are more of the best of something does nothing when all those games are just good but not great...
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#110 Espada12
Member since 2008 • 23247 Posts

Cows are playing catch up.

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#111 Shinobi120
Member since 2004 • 5728 Posts

Cows are playing catch up.


Indeed they are. Yet they're still in 3rd place. Once MS drops the prices of the 360's down to $150 & $250, things will all go back to normal again.

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#112 Espada12
Member since 2008 • 23247 Posts


Cows are playing catch up.


Indeed they are. Yet they're still in 3rd place. Once MS drops the prices of the 360's down to $150 & $250, things will all go back to normal again.

Alot of them forget this when they are bragging. Third place in everything, even in games.

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#113 Gangstah-Fresh
Member since 2009 • 510 Posts
People who own ps3 (myself included) click ps3 to make the ps3 number look statistically superior......
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#114 BPoole96
Member since 2008 • 22818 Posts

People who own ps3 (myself included) click ps3 to make the ps3 number look statistically superior...... Gangstah-Fresh

Shhhhhhhhh!!! Don't let the lemmings hear you!

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#115 Sollet
Member since 2003 • 8286 Posts
lol seems to me that OP had a "raaaaage" year, just take a look at the GS special achivement awards video, Sony owned it. or Maybe OP watched the video and decided to make this thread?
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#116 FIipMode
Member since 2009 • 10850 Posts
Ouch, people are really sore about the PS3 doing so well in 2009 huh?
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#117 bootsgame
Member since 2009 • 297 Posts

ps3 wins this year not by alot tho ..............

next year looks even better for Sony sooo many interesting 360s lineup for next year doesnt interest me at all.

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#118 hot114
Member since 2003 • 4489 Posts

The complete clannad DVD collection
A great tearjerker bothered by a overused soundtrack

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#119 campbell1874
Member since 2006 • 1920 Posts

People who own ps3 (myself included) click ps3 to make the ps3 number look statistically superior...... Gangstah-Fresh

Thats why you can't trust any polls on a Forum regarding to gaming as alot of people just pick in favour of there favorite console.

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#120 HAZE-Unit
Member since 2007 • 10564 Posts

That's the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

It doesn't win in sales or games. Of course, the games part comes from the fact that Gamespot is the law around these here parts.

The PS3 is dead last in sales and yet people brag about its sales. The PS3 has not won a year in terms of games yet. (every thread COWS themselves make always claim 2010 via exclusives and we know that means they are admitting the PS3 has not won a year yet)

Silverbond asks you: Why? Is it because the PS3 has been having a few good months? Sure, but it doesn't win in anything.

As usual, my evidence for games comes from the spreadsheet.

Author's note: Before you all flame the Bond to hell, hevjust want to say that he owns a PS3. The Bond enjoys it very much. But, in terms of SW there are just some things that are true and some that aren't. Personal opinions are fine, but for SW's sake The Bond just can't see how he's wrong.


Did you forget about MGS4 winning GOTY last year or something?

Everybody and his president knows PS3 is winning this year in terms of games.

If you have a PS3 and doesn't acknowledge that it won 2008 and 09 then I don't know what to say :? sell it maybe?

It is winning sales for few months now, nobody said its winning overall :?

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#121 Birdy09
Member since 2009 • 4775 Posts

They won't get this game, all I care about.

Wasn't posted for graphics, it's only UT3 engine, posted it because it's a monumental franchise. Better than some old racing simulator too *cough* GT5/Forza3.


It was a monumental franchise on the PC... I bet it will be arcadey crap compared to the old ones... all flash.

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#122 InfiniteBlak
Member since 2009 • 794 Posts
some more games for my PS3.
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#123 Birdy09
Member since 2009 • 4775 Posts
Anyway back on topic, it seems the lemmings around here dont seem to realize that its not about the immediate win of the year, but the clear momentum of 2009 and predicted momentum of 2010... which is heavily in favour of the PS3 over 360. Wii > 360/PS3 in sales ... so your just fighting for turds, well done. PC > Wii/360/PS3 in overall AAEs and generally the biggest quality library this year as usual (in raw numbers at least) so again fighting for turds. PS3 > PC/Wii/360 in critical acclaimed exclusives this year, so again lemmings, fighting for turds. . Simple really lemmings, while the 360 slows down, the PS3 speeds up and continues to do so, even next year its looking in favour of the PS3, unless your still pretending SC:C and ME2 are 360 titles "AAAEs" :lol: Yes, ok maybe the PS3 wont catch up to overall consoles sold of the 360... (yes, the year head start still counts in this department, it shows the momentum of the PS3 is better if it is actually catching but never passing)... but erm, lemmings... isnt your excuse against the Wii "Quality is more important than Quantity" ... yea I thought as much...
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#124 MizFitAwesome
Member since 2009 • 2745 Posts


[QUOTE="XenogearsMaster"] So in that case, the Wii wins everything because of its sales. Way to go with your logic.XenogearsMaster

No, the game is successful if it has a good score, sales andcommunity or 2/3. Cows only want to use the game scores and then try to play mix and match with the rest...

We're talking about quality here not successful. Nice try though.

Quality is a subjective term. So you have proven TC's point to be correct. Cows cannot claim ownage on anything due to the fact that success is a matter of fact and quality is a matter of opinion...

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#125 MizFitAwesome
Member since 2009 • 2745 Posts

Anyway back on topic, it seems the lemmings around here dont seem to realize that its not about the immediate win of the year, but the clear momentum of 2009 and predicted momentum of 2010... which is heavily in favour of the PS3 over 360. Wii > 360/PS3 in sales ... so your just fighting for turds, well done. PC > Wii/360/PS3 in overall AAEs and generally the biggest quality library this year as usual (in raw numbers at least) so again fighting for turds. PS3 > PC/Wii/360 in critical acclaimed exclusives this year, so again lemmings, fighting for turds. . Simple really lemmings, while the 360 slows down, the PS3 speeds up and continues to do so, even next year its looking in favour of the PS3, unless your still pretending SC:C and ME2 are 360 titles "AAAEs" :lol: Yes, ok maybe the PS3 wont catch up to overall consoles sold of the 360... (yes, the year head start still counts in this department, it shows the momentum of the PS3 is better if it is actually catching but never passing)... but erm, lemmings... isnt your excuse against the Wii "Quality is more important than Quantity" ... yea I thought as much...Birdy09

So now EVERY discussion of PS3 vs 360 boils down to cows having to hide behind every other platform? You keep talking about PS3 momentum when 360 titles are still selling better and being played more. Ms has consistantly provided in the games department from launch whereas Sony waited for almost 2 years to begin. The 360 has begun to show a profit whereas PS3 still hasn't. Face it Sony has yet to win anything this gen except for a list of meaningless awards.

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#126 danish-death
Member since 2004 • 5314 Posts

That's the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

It doesn't win in sales or games. Of course, the games part comes from the fact that Gamespot is the law around these here parts.

The PS3 is dead last in sales and yet people brag about its sales. The PS3 has not won a year in terms of games yet. (every thread COWS themselves make always claim 2010 via exclusives and we know that means they are admitting the PS3 has not won a year yet)

Silverbond asks you: Why? Is it because the PS3 has been having a few good months? Sure, but it doesn't win in anything.

As usual, my evidence for games comes from the spreadsheet.

Author's note: Before you all flame the Bond to hell, hevjust want to say that he owns a PS3. The Bond enjoys it very much. But, in terms of SW there are just some things that are true and some that aren't. Personal opinions are fine, but for SW's sake The Bond just can't see how he's wrong.

Since this isn't sales wars and there's alot of good games already releaed and coming in 201 its doing great. It might not be *owning* but neither does Xbox 360.
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#127 MizFitAwesome
Member since 2009 • 2745 Posts

Another question, when you talk about sales, why do you only factor in hardware sales and omit software sales and attach rates? Cows just simply can't argue without playing mix and match with their logic.

Talking about critical acclaim and awards as soley the reason why anything is winning, just remember Slumdog Millionaire won over the movie Dark Knight because it had more critical acclaim and awards. Warner brothers was just appalled over that. See how the Cow logic is fail?

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#128 Ravenlore_basic
Member since 2003 • 4319 Posts

That's the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

It doesn't win in sales or games. Of course, the games part comes from the fact that Gamespot is the law around these here parts.

The PS3 is dead last in sales and yet people brag about its sales. The PS3 has not won a year in terms of games yet. (every thread COWS themselves make always claim 2010 via exclusives and we know that means they are admitting the PS3 has not won a year yet)

Silverbond asks you: Why? Is it because the PS3 has been having a few good months? Sure, but it doesn't win in anything.

As usual, my evidence for games comes from the spreadsheet.

Author's note: Before you all flame the Bond to hell, hevjust want to say that he owns a PS3. The Bond enjoys it very much. But, in terms of SW there are just some things that are true and some that aren't. Personal opinions are fine, but for SW's sake The Bond just can't see how he's wrong.


:)...:D... LMAO.....:lol: .... the bond id funny.... :lol: :lol: ROTFL... wow, just wow.... thank for the laughs, funniest post for a while now. :lol:

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#129 HAZE-Unit
Member since 2007 • 10564 Posts



No, the game is successful if it has a good score, sales andcommunity or 2/3. Cows only want to use the game scores and then try to play mix and match with the rest...


We're talking about quality here not successful. Nice try though.

Quality is a subjective term. So you have proven TC's point to be correct. Cows cannot claim ownage on anything due to the fact that success is a matter of fact and quality is a matter of opinion...

quality product is opinion based now?

and what quality ps3 game are you talking about that is commercially failed?

mgs4?resistance 2? uncharted 2? killzone 2? lbp?

they are all commercially successful, if you cant see that then you are a blingfanboy.

Btw sales is the weakest of all arguments, the ownage for that is like fluid.

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#130 delta3074
Member since 2007 • 20003 Posts

go to gamerankings, and tell me the last AAAE the 360 got and what month it came out.

then tell me the last one before that.;) and i'll even let you include "console exlusives".

Now, that youve found that game (Hint: it was Gears 2, a year ago :lol: )then tell me all the PS3 AAAE that have come out since that game's release.

no it wasn't, the last AAAE was forza 3, ODST was AAAE the month before that, not gears 2, you should do some checking before posting rubbish
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#132 James161324
Member since 2009 • 8315 Posts

the ps3 won excuslives this year.

but failed with multi-plats agian this year. with a majority playing/looking better on the 360

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#133 Tyrant156
Member since 2004 • 737 Posts

the ps3 won excuslives this year.

but failed with multi-plats agian this year. with a majority playing/looking better on the 360

Which games?
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#134 Eddie-Vedder
Member since 2003 • 7810 Posts

the ps3 won excuslives this year.

but failed with multi-plats agian this year. with a majority playing/looking better on the 360

Lies, multiplats were largely the same, the only one I remember being slighty diferent was Dragon Age and that was in favor of the PS3. The 360 has better playing/looking multiplats is a myth.
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#135 delta3074
Member since 2007 • 20003 Posts


[QUOTE="Silverbond"]it doesn't win in anything.


Funny. Because many PS3 games this year have either won or have been nominated for GOTY categories both here and abroad.

Exactly. The 360 is the one that isn't winning at anything. Sales? The Wii. Games? Ps3 GOTY. Hmmm...Looks like the 360 celebrates mediocrity. ;)

please stop, you keep using the word mediocre when talking about the 360, which either means A) you don't know what the word actually means or B) you do understand what it means and you are basically wrong to apply it to the 360, the 360 is far from mediocre, at this current time the 360 still has more AAAE's than the PS3, more AAE's and more AE's,it also has the highest install base and highest software attach rate and biggest games library, if thats mediocre , then where does that leave the PS3, considering the 360 beats the ps3 at everything except AAAAE's and quality of exclusives, the PS3 won in games this year in gmaes obviously, but that doesn't automatically make the 360 a 'mediocre' console
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#136 delta3074
Member since 2007 • 20003 Posts

Actually your wrong. It's won every aspect over the FailBox360.

one of those aspects is overall sales,buddy, multiplats are also an aspect which the 360 beats the PS3, not bicause they perform slightly better, because with PC/360 games there are a lot more on the 360
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#137 Tyrant156
Member since 2004 • 737 Posts

Actually your wrong. It's won every aspect over the FailBox360.

one of those aspects is overall sales,buddy, multiplats are also an aspect which the 360 beats the PS3, not bicause they perform slightly better, because with PC/360 games there are a lot more on the 360

A lot more what? Specific game titles would be helpful when talking of multiplatform games.
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#138 h575309
Member since 2005 • 8551 Posts

Anyway back on topic, it seems the lemmings around here dont seem to realize that its not about the immediate win of the year, but the clear momentum of 2009 and predicted momentum of 2010... which is heavily in favour of the PS3 over 360. Birdy09
So Halo Reach, Alan Wake, Crackdown 2, Splinter Cell Conviction, Mass Effect 2 and Natal.....the ps3 is gonna trounce that lineup? With MAG and Heavy Rain? Oh boy :?

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#139 deactivated-5e836a855beb2
Member since 2005 • 95573 Posts

[QUOTE="Birdy09"]Anyway back on topic, it seems the lemmings around here dont seem to realize that its not about the immediate win of the year, but the clear momentum of 2009 and predicted momentum of 2010... which is heavily in favour of the PS3 over 360. h575309

So Halo Reach, Alan Wake, Crackdown 2, Splinter Cell Conviction, Mass Effect 2 and Natal.....the ps3 is gonna trounce that lineup? With MAG and Heavy Rain? Oh boy :?

Last Guardian
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#140 SF_KiLLaMaN
Member since 2007 • 6446 Posts
PC owns both, so this argument is stupid.
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#141 BPoole96
Member since 2008 • 22818 Posts

[QUOTE="Birdy09"]Anyway back on topic, it seems the lemmings around here dont seem to realize that its not about the immediate win of the year, but the clear momentum of 2009 and predicted momentum of 2010... which is heavily in favour of the PS3 over 360. h575309

So Halo Reach, Alan Wake, Crackdown 2, Splinter Cell Conviction, Mass Effect 2 and Natal.....the ps3 is gonna trounce that lineup? With MAG and Heavy Rain? Oh boy :?


You know there are more exclusives coming for PS3 than that. No need to flaunt your bias

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#142 furomaster_99
Member since 2009 • 737 Posts


[QUOTE="nervmeister"]Funny. Because many PS3 games this year have either won or have been nominated for GOTY categories both here and abroad.


Exactly. The 360 is the one that isn't winning at anything. Sales? The Wii. Games? Ps3 GOTY. Hmmm...Looks like the 360 celebrates mediocrity. ;)

please stop, you keep using the word mediocre when talking about the 360, which either means A) you don't know what the word actually means or B) you do understand what it means and you are basically wrong to apply it to the 360, the 360 is far from mediocre, at this current time the 360 still has more AAAE's than the PS3, more AAE's and more AE's,it also has the highest install base and highest software attach rate and biggest games library, if thats mediocre , then where does that leave the PS3, considering the 360 beats the ps3 at everything except AAAAE's and quality of exclusives, the PS3 won in games this year in gmaes obviously, but that doesn't automatically make the 360 a 'mediocre' console

More triple AAAE's but less AAAAE's.....So, the 360 has finally eclipsed the PC games library? Anyway, I was using "mediocre" as in not being the best or the worst at anything. But (if you are splitting hairs) I guess 360 wins the "software attach rate award". Congratulations! :D

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#143 Elementsphere
Member since 2009 • 51 Posts

[QUOTE="Birdy09"]Anyway back on topic, it seems the lemmings around here dont seem to realize that its not about the immediate win of the year, but the clear momentum of 2009 and predicted momentum of 2010... which is heavily in favour of the PS3 over 360. h575309

So Halo Reach, Alan Wake, Crackdown 2, Splinter Cell Conviction, Mass Effect 2 and Natal.....the ps3 is gonna trounce that lineup? With MAG and Heavy Rain? Oh boy :?

Of course MAG and Heavy rain is enough to rape all of those hyped games and natal. How many of those games are exclusive (Including PC) ? How many of those game are overpraised but will flop?? Alan Wake looks like a fail. So what does that leave us???

So whats remaining for GoW3, GT5, LAst Gaurdian, MAG, Heavy Rain (personally looks like **** and others.

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#144 h575309
Member since 2005 • 8551 Posts


Anyway back on topic, it seems the lemmings around here dont seem to realize that its not about the immediate win of the year, but the clear momentum of 2009 and predicted momentum of 2010... which is heavily in favour of the PS3 over 360. Birdy09
So Halo Reach, Alan Wake, Crackdown 2, Splinter Cell Conviction, Mass Effect 2 and Natal.....the ps3 is gonna trounce that lineup? With MAG and Heavy Rain? Oh boy :?


You know there are more exclusives coming for PS3 than that. No need to flaunt your bias

LOL I have no bias. I own all consoles and a gaming PC. My comment is in saracastic remark to his. "predicted momentum is HEAVILY??? in favor"? Are you kidding me? The big hitters are GT5 and GoW3. The rest are question marks in my eyes. Splinter Cell, Mass Effect 2, Halo Reach, Fable 3 are all but guaranteed to be good. The track records of these series are great. So, my point is that both systems have great potential for 2010. But neither of them is showing an obvious lead for 2010.
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#145 BPoole96
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[QUOTE="h575309"] So Halo Reach, Alan Wake, Crackdown 2, Splinter Cell Conviction, Mass Effect 2 and Natal.....the ps3 is gonna trounce that lineup? With MAG and Heavy Rain? Oh boy :?



You know there are more exclusives coming for PS3 than that. No need to flaunt your bias

LOL I have no bias. I own all consoles and a gaming PC. My comment is in saracastic remark to his. "predicted momentum is HEAVILY??? in favor"? Are you kidding me? The big hitters are GT5 and GoW3. The rest are question marks in my eyes. Splinter Cell, Mass Effect 2, Halo Reach, Fable 3 are all but guaranteed to be good. The track records of these series are great. So, my point is that both systems have great potential for 2010. But neither of them is showing an obvious lead for 2010.

Ah, I see. Sorry I just woke up and my sarcasm detector hasn't warmed up yet. You're right though, 2010 is going to a great year for both PS3 and 360 (as well as PC and Wii). The "winner" of 2010 probably be the hardest year yet to decide who actually won. I'd say it's about neck and neck as of now.

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#146 Racer850
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2009 was the year of the PS3 in games, but in 2010 it's going to be close.
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#147 deactivated-5e836a855beb2
Member since 2005 • 95573 Posts
2009 was the year of the PS3 in games, but in 2010 it's going to be close.Racer850
I wonder if we'll have any big surprise games.
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#148 SecretPolice
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[QUOTE="Racer850"]2009 was the year of the PS3 in games, but in 2010 it's going to be close.Jandurin
I wonder if we'll have any big surprise games.

I'm thinking....

Count on it. :P

EDIT: Rare has got to have something for 2010 with the launch of Natal.

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#149 planbfreak4eva
Member since 2006 • 2856 Posts

That's the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

It doesn't win in sales or games. Of course, the games part comes from the fact that Gamespot is the law around these here parts.

The PS3 is dead last in sales and yet people brag about its sales. The PS3 has not won a year in terms of games yet. (every thread COWS themselves make always claim 2010 via exclusives and we know that means they are admitting the PS3 has not won a year yet)

Silverbond asks you: Why? Is it because the PS3 has been having a few good months? Sure, but it doesn't win in anything.

As usual, my evidence for games comes from the spreadsheet.

Author's note: Before you all flame the Bond to hell, hevjust want to say that he owns a PS3. The Bond enjoys it very much. But, in terms of SW there are just some things that are true and some that aren't. Personal opinions are fine, but for SW's sake The Bond just can't see how he's wrong.

it won 08 and 09....and sales dude, in its timeframe its selling more ps3 than 360 does+ ps3 started at a 600 dollar price tag and is still selling more in its timeframe, so how is it losing? it had great games in 08, and 09...and 10 looks to be even better with all this new IP it aint losing anything....
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#150 king_bobo
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Two things: 1) Why do you refer to yourself at times in the third person 2) The PS3 has actually been selling faster since its inception than the Xbox 360. Relative to the time of release, the PS3 has been selling faster.