[QUOTE="trix5817"][QUOTE="Hoobinator"][QUOTE="trix5817"][QUOTE="Hoobinator"]This is why PC gaming just isn't mainstream and is small compared to the console market, and why PC developers like EPIC and VALVE are getting on the console bandwagon.Hoobinator
How is Valve getting on the console bandwagon? Please explain......
Orange Box, with all the goodness coming to PC, PS3 and 360.
It's not just Valve many, many PC developers are slowly shifting over to dual development on console and PC, some even making the consoles their first choice. Bethesda and Bioware are some prime examples of this.
Releasing a 3 year old game on consoles is your interpretation of Valve getting on the console bandwagon? They did the same with HL, and they ported HL2 to the Xbox. They are always PC first. Wow. I might as well call Bungie bungie a PC game company, considering Halo and Halo2 released with more content and editors for the PC versions. Bethesda? What are you talking about? Morrowind was on the PC first, Xbox second, Oblivion was PC first, consoles second, Fallout 3 is PC first,consoles second (although it will be dumbed down and consolized like Oblivion, what a shame). Bioware? They are making Dragon Age for PC only.
Moving more and more into the console market. Oblivion was released simultaneously on both platforms, Bioware is concentrating heavily on consoles now and the same goes for a lot of other companies.
I remember Bethesda saying they sold as more copies of morrowind on Xbox than PC, they make money that's where they go. EPIC themselves have said the PC market just isn't there for them to make the money so they started making games for the consoles.
Face it it's because of crap like this, DX9, DX10, DX10.1, DX11a, DX11.496b crap that puts so many people off. It's ironic that the same technological leaps which sustain the PC market are also inadvertently hurting it. :lol:
Epic? The guy who said that about PC gaming is a joke. They said that "pirating" is ruining PC gaming, when their games are primarily MP games, which are almost impossible to pirate because you need a CD key. They are using it as a scapegoat. With PC games you get low developement costs, unlike console games. It's where devs can get started making big games. WoW alone has more players subscribed than XBL, it's sad really. DX9 is still going strong, this "DX11" is nothing more than what is says, which is DX10.1, or DX10b, and will not need a whole new API and new hardware desinged specifally for it. You arguement is quite weak. Anyone who says PC gaming is dieing needs to open there eyes.
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