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MGS4 isn't. If MGO runs on MGS4's engine, then that won't either.
Suck it up, folks. Not gonna happen.
I'm confused, does somebody mind telling us clueless people what's going on?lantus
Before E3 a Kojima executive said that if the game doesnt sell well on the PS3 that they might have to consider other platforms, no mention of the 360. Then at E3 Sony and Kojima confirmed it was exclusive to the PS3. Then MS confirmed that MGS4 was not in the works for the 360. I am not sure how much more confirmation people need.
I wasn't even talk about graphics, I think the 360 if fully capable of achieving that. Space, I wasn't even thinking about that.
I was talkin about in terms of controls. MGS4 was built solely for PS3, it uses the sixasis. It would need major changes to utilize all that into a rumble only 360 controller. Thats why I really don't care if MS can bring MGS4 or FF13 to the 360, they won't be as good because those two games were built with only the PS3 in mind. The PS3 versions would be AAA and 360 versions would be AA. I'd probably still get FF13 but I already know it wouldnt be as good as the PS3 version.
In all seriouness, I'm even seeing less issues with those examples. I haven't really seen that great a use with the sixaxis yet on MGS4, at least when it comes to tilt and I really wouldn't have a problem with the 360 controler to play MGS4.
FF13 is still up in the air for me... We haven't seen much of what the game is capable of in gameplay and in the graphics department.
Konami knows one thing, money talks.BioShockOwnz
If what you believe is true (that 360 is the only way to make big money on this game), Why not go multiplat right away? GTA split off, it can be done. Why not MGS4?
Because the wise people associated with this industry know that neither this generation, nor this game, will be decided on 2007.
[QUOTE="xDonRobx"]I wasn't even talk about graphics, I think the 360 if fully capable of achieving that. Space, I wasn't even thinking about that.
I was talkin about in terms of controls. MGS4 was built solely for PS3, it uses the sixasis. It would need major changes to utilize all that into a rumble only 360 controller. Thats why I really don't care if MS can bring MGS4 or FF13 to the 360, they won't be as good because those two games were built with only the PS3 in mind. The PS3 versions would be AAA and 360 versions would be AA. I'd probably still get FF13 but I already know it wouldnt be as good as the PS3 version.
In all seriouness, I'm even seeing less issues with those examples. I haven't really seen that great a use with the sixaxis yet on MGS4, at least when it comes to tilt and I really wouldn't have a problem with the 360 controler to play MGS4.
FF13 is still up in the air for me... We haven't seen much of what the game is capable of in gameplay and in the graphics department.
Exclusives built on the 360 or ps3 will be hard to port especially ps3 games that take advantage of blu-rays added space.
[QUOTE="ArcticSnake"]The only thing AOTS is able to do succesfully is piss off a very important specific group on the interwebz.R-Dot-Yung
RULES 1 AND 2!!!!!
HAHA! I see I'm not the only one here chargin' mah laser!
Phil Harrison says no.
"There was something that came out prior to (the Sony E3 keynote) announcement. Our folks have talked to the Konami folks, and until the announcement was out from our side, I think they were being a little bit cagey. But the agreement calls for exclusivity, the announcement's been made, and now people know the real story."
No matter how many times this rumor gets debunked (even once by Microsoft, ironically enough), people continue to report it as if its further proof it's happening.
Give it up, lemmings.
For the sake of argument, let's say that only the multiplayer portion of MGS4 goes to Xbox 360.
How will it distinguish itself from all the other online games on 360, especially Splinter Cell's genre-defining multiplayer?
For the sake of the oher half of he gaming community, let's not..
Exclusives built on the 360 or ps3 will be hard to port especially ps3 games that take advantage of blu-rays added space.
I've actually read somewhere some time ago(don't quote me on this) that it is a lot more difficult to port titles to the PS3 from 360 than the other way around... Tho it is true that such titles weren't taking advantage of the PS3 like Kojima stated that MGS4 is...
Still, while I do trust the word of Kojima... He could definitely just be saying that because of the platform he is supporting... I will have to finish MGS4 first, but even that 15 min video didn't show me anything incredible(Well the video was preatty good but thats not my point) that the 360 couldn't really handle.
M G Olivia Munn FTW!
It be wise if Konami brings MGO to other plats like PC and 360. Besides multiplayer games are always better on the 360.
[QUOTE="nyoroism"]I think the real question isn't whether MGS4 will go to the 360 or not, it's if Olivia Munn will wear some clothes or not.
Cleavage. Wear something that isn't revealing for once.
Ugh. femanists :roll:
Im a guy, and I am a feminist, and what she said had nothing to do with feminism. Only extremist feminists are the ones that are all like men suck, down with men. Regular feminists are about equality and nothing more, and thats fine by me.
P.S. cleavage = ratings =D!
M G Olivia Munn FTW!
It be wise if Konami brings MGO to other plats like PC and 360. Besides multiplayer games are always better on the 360.
[QUOTE="ReverseCycology"]M G Olivia Munn FTW!
It be wise if Konami brings MGO to other plats like PC and 360. Besides multiplayer games are always better on the 360.
Of course he does, I just checked his profile and he actually goes around rating PS3 games that are multiplatform a little lower than on the 360.
I don't know why, but he does. :lol:
People it's G4. There just doing it for ratings.
We all know G4 = Failure.
bu-but G4 is biased against sony too :lol:
contract + money under the table = exclusivity am confrimed = bitter lemming tears.Phil Harrison says no.
"There was something that came out prior to (the Sony E3 keynote) announcement. Our folks have talked to the Konami folks, and until the announcement was out from our side, I think they were being a little bit cagey. But the agreement calls for exclusivity, the announcement's been made, and now people know the real story."
you know i am 360 owner and it would be nice to get MGS4 on the platform but i mean come on can we stop talking about this... its not THAT amazing of a game for everyone to keep yelling about it for the past what? 6+ months straight.
i mean the first story i heard about it coming to the 360 like four months ago got me excited but i mean is no one else fatigued by these constant rumors that don't do anything?
[QUOTE="mgsbethatgame"][QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="Not-A-Stalker"]I don't have G4.. whats really going on? Are they just starting a new unfounded rumor? :|Not-A-Stalker
Isn't this something that the president of Konami said? I would say that's better than a rumor.
they didnt say that they said if they dont get enough profit for the game on the ps2 they might have to port it
... Oh, so they're not reporting anything new, just discussing weeks old news? :|
pretty much
I think the real question isn't whether MGS4 will go to the 360 or not, it's if Olivia Munn will wear some clothes or not.
Cleavage. Wear something that isn't revealing for once.
I thought that is what the show was about:D
All the talking is just so they are not just standing there. "They" meaning her fun bags.
[QUOTE="Ibacai"][QUOTE="nyoroism"]Sex sells.Sex with monsters doesn't.I think the real question isn't whether MGS4 will go to the 360 or not, it's if Olivia Munn will wear some clothes or not.
Cleavage. Wear something that isn't revealing for once.
[QUOTE="nyoroism"]I think the real question isn't whether MGS4 will go to the 360 or not, it's if Olivia Munn will wear some clothes or not.
Cleavage. Wear something that isn't revealing for once.
I thought that is what the show was about:D
All the talking is just so they are not just standing there. "They" meaning her fun bags.
what cleavage is that guy talking about? munn doesnt have any, i wish morgan wore her clothes, shes the one with the cleavage.Please Log In to post.
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