[QUOTE="WilliamRLBaker"][QUOTE="XturnalS"][QUOTE="WilliamRLBaker"][QUOTE="-hells-"] [QUOTE="SegArgyle"]you see, all you cows and hermits, and so on, can keep showing sales outside the u.s. over and over, but look, NONE OF IT MATTERS, when u.s. sales absolutely destroy worldwide sales.-hells-
This is one of the particular reasons why many countries hate the states.-->Racists.
*laughs hard* yes because racism doesn't exist in any other country? infact RACISM is much more of an accepted FACT in other countries then it is in america. Look at India the difference between the poor and the rich is much larger then it is here in india, and the whole concept of money is actually a status thing, a hard working middle class indian is looked down upon by none working upper class in india so far as to being limited in his potential and his chances to become better because of his class.
Dont act as though america is the only country that has racism.
and the ps3 is winning world wide? wow so because for the past few months its been outselling the 360 by about 100-200k units world wide, and yet the 360 in softwar sales world wide often outsell the ps3 by 500-600k. lol
ROFL @ ur terrible example of racism, u just pointed out prejudice between c|asses. seriously stop posting and pick up a human geography book or sociology one. And VGchartz FTL. Just because its "more known" doesn't mean its right.
LOL you can point out something wrong...no but wait its not wrong, I pointed out racism, I highly doubt you've ever met an indian or been to india for that matter, but much of the racist attitude towards lower ****peoples is because they are born from a different area or are not part of a certain group, or born of a certain part of the population...maybe next time you should learn something, And Oh my god he told me to stop posting...wow like i am not allowed to post? but wait last I check vgchartz was more accurate then you at any of the numbers you've ever predicted, lol you dont like VGchartz because it doesn't support you arguments, Its been proven time and time again VGchartz is just as accurate as any other numbers site out there, that its numbers closely follow OFFICIAL NPD numbers.
I wish I had the dual forces of TACT and Cl***to post VGCHARTZ FTL on an online forum, lol but then again you proved my point in the end if "prejudice" can exist outside of ameirca...can't racism?And hells you dont wanna reply because you have no reply, you made this statement that the rest of the world hates us for racism like they dont have it, when they do and its much more accepted in the rest of the world then in america...and i love that we plice the world? the only countries we are majorly in right now in the middle east...are we in russia? india? japan? china? lol no we're in the middle east and thats about it...thats not representitive of the world.
P.S: and my numbers are FACT that this article posted is fake and crap cause hey its by game rush an unknown site, and sales numbers show that if the 360 is dead...then the ps3 thats still 120K+ total sales behind it is even more so dead.
Dude first of all grow up and understand the meaning of racism mister mgs_freak91 has stated it quite clearly if you can read
second i didnt reply cos i had an exam my life doesnt revolve around system wars
And third I have already apologised in a post and said that i didnt mean racism i meant discrimination i.e americans think themselves above others and many people who have posted in this thread agree with me so please leave me alone
racism has nothing to do with money.
I doubt you will believe me so I have proof:
heres what it says: hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
It has nothing to do with status, its when someone hates another race/religion for no real reason.
you are thinking of prejudist.
anyway on topic, the 360 is not dead, it may come out last, but not dead. Great games will still come out for it, plus there are already enough 360 sers to give devs a reason to make games for it.
I hope its not dead, i have a ps3 even though I also have a ps3 I dont want nothing to get for the 360.
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