First, let me just say, besides PhoebusFlows, you are the most dedicated WiiHater I've seen. You pretty much come on these forums for the sole purpose of flaming the godly popular system. Let me just redefine a few of your recent posts for you:
You've said, the Wii is not on pace to beat the PS2 in sales, so how can it be that popular.
Your wrong.
From launch, as you can see, the Wii and the DS have virtually owned the PS2. Now, many would bring up that "oh it didn't launch everywhere at once." Well, for the record, neither did the Wii, and it doesn't matter. According to the factual figures, not the "fair" ones you make up, the Wii is actually distantly ahead of the PS2. Period.
Next, you've laughed at MP3 for not winning best control scheme.
However, the Wii did win GotY, as an exclusive titles, as well as best adventure game. Are we supposed to protest now? No, we're happy as we can be, ever. This is the greatest day in Sheep history. Wanna laugh about that?
How bout the implications of that? The Wii can actually have better games than the 360 or PS3, as well as being far cheaper. Well, "can" is a bad word. "Does" fits. The Wii DOES actually have better games than the 360 or the PS3, technically.
You've said the Wii has the worst/weakest library.
Actually, if you go by quantity over quality, you're right. According to gamespot, and check my numbers here, the Wii has 20 AA-AAA titles, the PS3 has 21. Gamespot rates VC releases, and if your multiplats count, so do our VC games.
Now, as for what I, and most intelligent people, believe, a systems strength is based on the quality of its exclusive games. As you can clearly see from the quality of the exclusive games on the Wii, and in the timeframe of the lifecycle they are being released, the Wii is actually far ahead of the game, compared to its previous tries with the GCN and the N64, and lightyears ahead of, heh, sony.
To be fair, I have never read you saying the Wii has "no good games," which is a shame, because it would be just too fun and interesting to not own someone who actually says this with a serious intent.
Now, if you would. Can you comment on the fact that as this gen moves along, the Wii will accumulate exclusives, while the PS3 and 360 will lose them? Did I make that up? While your at it, comment on the improved third party support for the Wii, and the lack of said support for the other systems. Finally, tell us why, in your oh so unbiased opinion, people are choosing the Wii over the other two? Is it price? Perhaps they know the Wii won't have hardware failure? Maybe they know the Wii is different, the other systems are virtually the same machine as their PC? Maybe they are just new to gaming, and Nintendo supports those gamers as well? Hell, it could even be the games. The Wii does have the best game, afterall. Enjoy your multiplats, though, not every system can have a GotY, now can they?
AvidGaMeR444. Your a an anti-Wii fanboy. Do you deny this?
If you, in fact, do deny it, then please, list me 3 non-passive-agressive, positive things that you like about your Wii. Afterall, you claim to have played most Wii games, so surely you have one, unless you were lying.
So tell me, 3 things. Please.
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