Sorry, the article proves you wrong 100%, seems after all it is how i though it would be
Realistic Infinite Worlds
CryENGINE®2 introduced incredibly interactive photo-realistic worlds, with huge natural environments that responded to player input and game events as if in the real world. From naturally frozen nature to fully destructible vegetation and buildings, players saw the game world as near real for the first time.
CryENGINE®3 continues with this benchmark level of interactive realism in worlds limited in size only by the development budget; thanks to intelligent streaming of game data.
Game levels rarely fit into memory of most hardware platforms, so streaming content is often required.
With the CryENGINE®3 scalable streaming solution, data is clustered for fast access, platform-specific features are utilized and data content is prepared and compressed for optimal streaming.
CryENGINE®3 utilizes multiple CPUs and schedules access based on dynamic priorities, to deliver an efficient and scalable multiplatform streaming solution.
Now, do you suggest i should not believe the same PDF you based your arguments on ? I read rather clearly that games based on Cryengine 3 will have infinite worlds (read 1000x bigger than Crysis) on consoles, with the exact same level of interactivity
That is the article words, not mine
I simply am stunned. I just don't know what I can type in these forums to show you how ignorant you are. Yes, CryEngine 3 will be a cool thing for consoles including the next gen ones that will be comming out, but Crysis, the way it is played on current PCs, will never be available to current consoles.
Well, not with Cryengine 2, but clearly Cryengine 3 can do infinite worlds (that is vastly bigger than Cysis), on consoles
The PDF says so,unless you mean that Crytek is lying
I just love how you continue to say that term "infinite worlds". I could make a game that takes place on earch and you could walk from one point to antwhere and have no load times, but certain things would need to be cut. Remember that PC gamers playing Crysis on PCs are playing it at resolutions like 1900x1200 with settings on very high and still getting more than 30 fps. CE3 on consoles will probably run at 720p and I believe that the demo at GDC was running at only 25 FPS. Once again, be happy that you (a 360 fanboy) gets access to a new engine for consoles, but don't make the mistake of thinking that it is equal to or better than its PC counterpart. If you want the best gaming experience, then built a PC and be happy.
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