October 28th, 2007 by Daniel
Lately I have been hearing a lot of people claiming that the Nintendo Wii software sales are very bad and that this is also the biggest issue that the Wii has.
Some Wii owners also say that many of their friends and themselves only have one Nintendo Wii game.
As an owner of the Wii, Xbox 360 & Sony PS3, I have to admit that I do have over 10 Wii games and many on the PS3 and 360.
So I do find it hard to believe that the Wii is having bad software sales, after looking into it a bit more this does seem to be the case.
One comment we had on another post said "The software sales for Wii are bad and the publishers know it. With only a 1.3 attached rate, and majority of software sales going to 1st party, it really doesn't bode well for Wii's future. Wii owners ask yourself, how many games do you own? Seriously? Most ppl I know still only have Sports. Thats it. This is the main problem."
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