I have some really fond memories of playing banjo tooie. Trying to get all the puzzle pieces and such. BUT, I am in no way a fan of games where I have to build vehicles to move around in... I just prefer if everything was made and ready.
I have some really fond memories of playing banjo tooie. Trying to get all the puzzle pieces and such. BUT, I am in no way a fan of games where I have to build vehicles to move around in... I just prefer if everything was made and ready.Roushrsh
I have some really fond memories of playing banjo tooie. Trying to get all the puzzle pieces and such. BUT, I am in no way a fan of games where I have to build vehicles to move around in... I just prefer if everything was made and ready.Roushrsh
But you know what good part is? Whenever I needed to create a specific vehicle for specific situation, from the scratch, it didn't pute me off in the slightest. It's very easy, yet complex, intuitive and rewarding. Oh, and some of the challenges are open for any of your choices, and some of the challenges are fixed and require you to use only one given vehicle chosen by L.O.G.
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