Lemmings, lemmings...where to begin. RARE made great games during the SNES era and then the N64 era. Games like Donkey Kong Country, Donkey Kong 64, Jet Force Gemini, GoldenEye, Perfect Dark, Blast Corps, Killer Instinct.
Then all that began to change. A game called Star Fox Adventures arrived for Gamecube and was considered by many at the time as RAREs worst title. It got a great score on GameSpot, but people dismissed it. Maybe RARE had just hit a minor bump in the road and would come back strong. Yeah....right...
RARE gets bought by Microsoft. The 1st title RARE releases for Xbox? Grabbed by the Ghoulies. :lol: One of the WORST reviewed RARE games that I can remember. The gameplay got a "5" on GameSpot. RARE had always been known for making games with great gameplay. Not this title.
Moving on to Xbox 360. RARE releases Perfect Dark Zero. It gets a superb score on GameSpot, but most people HATED the game. RARE promised stellar multiplayer support, and most people seemed to hate that as well.
At the same time as Perfect Dark Zero, Kameo is released. The game had been through a long development cycle, and finally released...it was 12 hours long at most. The controls were bad with some of the transfomation characters. It was almost as if RARE had felt they created an epic title with all the great music. But, the game itself lacked. I personally like Kameo, but compared to most other RARE titles, it sucks.
Viva Pinata. A good game, but still not up to par with past RARE titles during the Nintendo days.
And now Banjo for 360 is coming. And it is being made by a company that used to make stellar games. RARE has fallen and doesn't seem to be getting back up. And lemmings should be concerned about Banjo 3. Most people hated Perfect Dark Zero...a prequel to Perfect Dark. How much do you trust RARE to make a sequel that is as good as Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie? I sure don't.
One other game I forgot to mention lemmings...Conker: Live and Reloaded for Xbox. Not nearly as good as Conker's Bad Fur Day for N64. So, yeah...going by the patterns of a horrible prequel (PDZ) to a superb game and a crappy follow-up (Conker: Live and Reloaded) to a great game, I can't find one reason to hype Banjo for 360. But hey...maybe you all have more faith in RARE than I do...
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