This would have belonged on the PS3 forum. 2nd- why do you want us to tell you how to spend your own money? you worked your ass off for it didn't you? 3rd- um I like Batman slightly more I guess because it's batman, but LBP is actually extremely impressive if you get into all those user generated levels...and Killzone 2 covers the multiplayer killfest itch if you want.
This is why polls don't work in SW. Get KZ2 or wait for LBP GOTY edition with extra content. Arkham Asylum is a good game, but doesn't have too much replay value.
while out of those i would choose killzone 2 i woudl sya Batman AA cause it worth more now KZ2 will probably be 30-40 bucks when black friday comes around
If you want a truly awesome single player experience, go with AA. KZ2 would be a better buy if you're really into multiplayer FPS games. LBP really takes a certain type of gamer. I for one didn't enjoy the game that much at all. I thought it was more amusing to watching my friends play than play the game itself.
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