I think Arkham City is one of the best games EVER. And really, so was Arkham Asylum. AA just doesn't seem quite as awesome, since AC, because AC expanded on it so much, and so perfectly. I think Rocksteady should just be given the rights to make the definitive game for all the major super heroes. Just like Christopher Nolan should be given the rights to make the definitive movie and/or series for all the major super heroes.
Nah, I can't see Nolan making Spiderman movies or anything of the like. Those sorts of movies really aren't his style, and besides he said he's done with those superhero movies.
I'd also like to see Rocksteady tackle another hero, something different.
Yeah, he's got a very dark, gritty style. Which probably wouldn't translate too well into most super hero universes, but worked fantastically for Batman. Although, on the topic of Spider-Man. I have always wanted to see a well done movie adaptation of the multi-part episode from the Animated Series where he fights Venom and Carnage, and has to fight them on the space shuttle as it launches, to save the astronauts or something. I think that particular Spider Man story would be really awesome if it were done in a darker, gritty style, like Nolan Batman styles. Especially if they actually got someone believable to play Vemon. Like... anyone but Topher Grace.:P
Seriously, who's d!ck did he suck to get that part? They easily could have taken any random hollywood tough guy and made a perfect Venom. But instead, they completely re-wrote Eddie Brock's character, to make him into someone Topher Grace could play.
They're going in the right direction with The Amazing Spiderman, I can definitely see that happening in future iterations. Spiderman 3 was a train wreck, Venom isn't even in 3/4ths of the movie and the scenes with him were terrible. There was a lot of potential missed there, they tried to juggle too much with Sandman, Venom, and Harry. Not everybody can pull a Joss Whedon and make an ace in the whole like The Avengers, or successfully end a trilogy with a bang like Nolan.
Imagine an action/adventure Avengers game done right by a talented dev...what a sight that would be:shock:.
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