Which era is exactly silver age? I'm really new to the comic book scene of Batmna, I only started getting into it this past month, and I've been more focused on trying to get a hold of some new 52's. althoguh, Hush was a great read!!
The Golden Age of comic books covers the 30's and 40's. This includes the debut of Superman, Batman, Green Lantern and Flash (who are different characters from the silver age versions), and basically the Justice Society which is the precursor to the Justice League. There's also Captain America here from his original WW2 roots before Marvel Comics.
The 50s is when super hero comics went into decline and comics went into a phase of three types: Mystery & Crime, Horror, and even Romance. The shocking nature of the horror comics as well as the graphic violence of the crime noir stories lead to a parental panic of parents scapegoating comic books as the source of corruption in their children. This got further compounded by the "research" of one quack job psychologist who wrote a book (and was made into a "documentary" film) called Seduction of the Innocent. So with that match thrown on the embers, the mass hysteria lead to a full blown congressional hearing (much like the McCarthy hunt for communists) on the supposed evil influence of comic books. There were even neighborhood mass burnings with piles of books thrown into raging bonfires.
With such a negative image comic books had in that decade, and so many having been destroyed, never to be preserved for posterity, the 50's is loosely referred to as the Dark Age of comics. The aftermath which lead to the Comics Code Authority we see on so many books even today.
Then we move into the 60's which begins the Silver Age, and carries into the 70s as well. This is when Marvel Comics ushered the rebirth of the new superhero era with Spiderman, the Hulk, Ironman, Fantastic Four and the Avengers. Plus with DC reviving Superman, Batman, completely reinvented Green Lantern (this is the Guy Gardner most people are familiar with) and Flash, and the modern Justice League.
What happens after I'm not sure. I was actively collecting in the 80s and 90s so no official name to that new age had been branded to those decades at the time. So I can't be sure what age they were assigned now that those decades are over.
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