@ProjectPat187 said:
@Celtic_34 said:
This is going to be an issue with consoles this gen where the console versions are definitely going to be gimped. Watchdogs is this. It's textures are just set to low or something compared to the pc version that was shown although it still runs great. The hardware in these consoles are basically so similar to a pc though that every game is going to be like that. The ps3 has some pretty uniquie hardware where some of its exclusives were able to do things the pc wasn't at times. Multiplats were terrible though and ran better on the 360 because it was more similar to a pc. That is not going to be the case here. Every game we see is going to be gimped. The ps4 will be next best with the xbone last.
ps4 exclusives will still be what you see though. Uncharted 4 is still going to probably trump a lot of games because it will be maximizing the ps4's specs and designed specifically for those specs. Most multiplats are going to be developed cross platform and optimized with different features turned off and relying on brute force of the pc. I still think some exclusives on the ps4 will keep up with the pc's best games because it will be designed specially for that hardware and to get the most out of it.
Batman will probably be similar to watchdogs though although it might not be as noticeable as that. These console sare so powerful they should be able to keep up with high end pcs in a lot of games because how much power do you need lol. A lot of pc games will be ported from consoles and vice versa where the pc version will look identical because it just wasn't designed with the extra power in mind.
Can you please give a example of when or what was the PS3 with its unique hardware LOL was able to do the PC could not? Im curious how a PC that is 3 times or more powerful than a PS3 couldnt do anything the PS3 was able to do with its so called unique hardware.
I didn't mean it like that. The ps3 hardware was unique and most exclusives would not even run on a pc because they weren't designed that way . The ps3 had the ability to process with 8 spe's at the time but lacked bandwith and had a weak gpu. It was completely different architecture than pc's at the time.
It also had a blu-ray drive. Don't lol either because if you tried to run games like the show or uncharted on a pc they would not work and they couldn't do that. GAmes were on rails on the ps3 but they were able to stream data that the pc could not. It was very efficient at processing certain tasks. Especially certain types of data.
If you asked a developer who knows this they would tell you the same thing. I read it somewhere and I can't remember what types of files it could stream but for certain media it was ahead of pc's at the time. IT couldn't do the amount of textures or even resolution or framerates of a pc but for certain data it was more efficient. It was completely different architecture and those games would not run on a pc.
Now all these systems are the same architecture. They are all ahead of that anyways in most ways. But what i'm saying is true. It was able to handle specialized tasks. For most stuff it would choke though how games were being developed. That's why multiplats were not as good.
I know this because I said this last gen just looking at the hardware architecture and got laughed at here. I later read the guy who designed the chip and the 360 as well saying the same thing I was. I think naughty dog's lead designer also explained this in an article as well that I read after the fact. It was efficient at streaming/processing and offloading certain types of media from the spe's. I can't remember the exact type or name of the type of data.
If you ask the lead designer from ibm who designed both chips he will tell you what I'm saying is true though because it is..It is fact. Power of the cell lol. Whatever i'm joking but it was what i'm saying it is. Sony designed their console that way purposely for games that were in their own development network. Unfortunately it was not as good for other types of games and they alienated the pc market. They changed that this gen though.
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