Hope goty edition is port to next gen, but probabl not.Mr-Kutaragiah thank you.
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BTW this is another Wii exluded U feature.
But seriously, wow that sucks.
Well I was planning on getting the Wii U version, but not anymore.
Ehh, Don't really know how to feel. It could be good because it's made my a whole other team or it could be bad because the MP isn't made by Rocksteady.
every version but the Wii U
If they replace challenge mode with this I'll be extremely disappointed. Challenge mode and the riddler puzzles were two of the main reasons I consider Batman Arkham City the best game of the generation hands down.
I didn't even think of that...oh dear
Another single player game getting a tacked on multi...
I would absolutley prefer any dvelopment time spent on the game went straight to making the single-player better, but it's something the evil publishers want to put in everything. As long as the impact on the single-player isn't significant, I have to give this a "meh".
I mgiht even try it, but obviously, it's the single-player that is a draw for this franchise. They better not f' it up.
i think a playable multiplayer is another way to prevent your product from landing into resale store such as gamestop. im a single player myself and hate developers sacrificing singleplayer to support multiplayer (GoW A). but i admit story/movie games like batman will grow stale after sometimes of repeated replays. also multiplayer ensures that you must have atleast a copy to play its so you won't share it to your friends as much as you share a singleplayer onlygame.Is it me or do those graphics look like shit and a step back from AC?mems_1224it IS multiplayer after all
The bane redesign was much needed. I dont really get the obession with showing his mouth.
Also console kids, splash damage make great multiplayer.
Is it me or do those graphics look like shit and a step back from AC?mems_1224Multiplayer mode. And console version.
Confirming rumours that surfaced a few months ago, Origins' multiplayer mode is an evolved form of the previous games' offline predator challenges. Two players star as Batman and Robin, engaged in a three-way war with two teams of elite criminals - three from Bane's gang, and three from Joker's. As in every third-person shooter, the criminal players can use and vault over cover, perform evasive rolls and are equipped with no-nonsense ballistic weaponry. Any kills they score drive down the other gang's "reinforcements", and when one gang's reinforcement count reaches zero, all their opponents have to do is mop up any survivors. Batman and Robin, meanwhile, are stalking the shadows high above, picking off stragglers or those unlucky or bull-headed enough to wander off. Each takedown they earn will fill a shared "intimidation" gauge, and once that fills completely, the heroes win. From time to time, Alfred will also radio in and point out high-value team captains, which grant additional intimidation points if taken down. Varying your takedowns and tactics will also fill the gauge faster. Any deaths the heroes experience, however, will lower their intimidation score, and if the last surviving gang member of either team manages to kill a hero, their entire team will be granted a last-chance comeback, and the heroes' intimidation gauge will take a heavy knock.
Yeah, I hate when devs hire a different studio to handle the multiplayer for the sake of adding optional replayability to a game. It has zero impact on the single player experience, but hey, I should have a right to be angry about something!I'm afraid Warner Bros will run this franchise into the ground :(
I'm glad it's a different studio; it means the main developers can put all their efforts into the singleplayer.
I'll be optimistic about it. It could be like the Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood multiplayer and turn out to be surprisingly great.
Everyone forgets Uncharted 2...Another single player game getting a tacked on multi...
[QUOTE="ShepardCommandr"]Everyone forgets Uncharted 2...Another single player game getting a tacked on multi...
Orange box. Portal 2. All vastly superior games to... well pretty much all games.
[QUOTE="ShepardCommandr"]Everyone forgets Uncharted 2... What do you mean by that? It had good multiplayer, great even.Another single player game getting a tacked on multi...
[QUOTE="JangoWuzHere"][QUOTE="ShepardCommandr"]Everyone forgets Uncharted 2... What do you mean by that? It had good multiplayer, great even.Another single player game getting a tacked on multi...
Well yeah, that's the point. Everyone was booing Naughty Dog for even attempting to put multiplayer into the sequel. The multiplayer component turned out incredibly successful and is still played a lot this day. A lot of people are worried that having a multiplayer component in any single player focused game will somehow subtract from the core experience. That doesn't even make any sense, because the single player and multiplayer components for the majority of games are developed separately and have no impact on one another.
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