Both games scored in the six range, both games had some kind of Hype, which one is bettr, which one is worse? Which one is the bigger disappointment?
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Both games scored in the six range, both games had some kind of Hype, which one is bettr, which one is worse? Which one is the bigger disappointment?
I hate to say this bc i own the game but Haze for sure. Haze was coming from a developer with good track record, hyped, and on a console with the right audience whereas the conduit was a game for the wii (not a shooter fan's console), with so-so premise, and maybe by unknown studio so it may have had hype but it was marginal hype.
I voted Conduit because despite Haze being a bigger failure I feel that conduit was hyped A LOT more.
man...alot of haze hate..although how many of you guys have actually played it? I only played the demo which i did think was mediocre at best but its only the demo...much like how i didnt enjoy the inFamous demo too much, i went out and rented it and found it surprisingly good. Lair for example got horrible reviews but I picked it up on the cheap and played through and found the game to be not as bad as many people make it to be. So please play the game for yourself and not totally relying on just a review or others thoughts on it
Well I own it, and it was okay, average, meh. Fun with some coop during the rebel portion of the game (making guys OD is fun). I didn't hate the game but there are tons of better shooters out there and tons better on ps3. I had some fun with offline skirmish with the bots but game was a bigger flop bc higher expectations than the conduit. I agree with you on Lair too. I found Lair actually pretty decent and the complaints over the controls unfounded as I had no issues with it. I liked the motion controlsman...alot of haze hate..although how many of you guys have actually played it? I only played the demo which i did think was mediocre at best but its only the demo...much like how i didnt enjoy the inFamous demo too much, i went out and rented it and found it surprisingly good. Lair for example got horrible reviews but I picked it up on the cheap and played through and found the game to be not as bad as many people make it to be. So please play the game for yourself and not totally relying on just a review or others thoughts on it
Haze was just a flop.
The Conduit was the a game that was blown so far out of proportion simply since it was on the Wii but would have been utterly ignored on the 360/PS3/PC.
mediocre is the wrong word to use, i cant speak for the conduit but haze...we it wasnt "teh suck" like a lot of people around here think, it was just incredible average
Fixed :(Haze has one thing that will always, ALWAYS make it worse than just about any decent FPS out there...frat boys that are so high on testosterone/drugs that you want to throw up...and they also yell "BOOSH!".
Haze was made by a good AA dev that failed to make that game good, plus I played it and wanted to destory it, so Haze.
Everyone knew The Conduit would flop anyways.
Well said. There were lots of high expectations for Haze... especially from game starved PS3 users looking for an exclusive to latch onto. Other than the real crazy Sheep, Conduit didn't get a ton of hype.
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