Eurogamer (the most respected website), didn't even give it a recommend; further stating it's dead on arrival.
Overall a waste of time.
"The campaign is altogether less cumbersome and controversial, although rarely reaches the same heights as multiplayer at its best. The 'story' offers eight lengthy missions that sit somewhere between Destiny's strikes and raids in their execution and demands. They support up to five players on one team and provide a welcome showcase for the arsenal of abilities and possibilities you can have on a carefully chosen group of heroes.
Bosses and mid-bosses are more inventive than most of Destiny's, too, requiring teamwork and class knowledge to conquer on the higher difficulties. While the moment-to-moment gunplay can't hold a candle to Bungie's behemoth, there's no denying Battleborn has a snap and a bluster all of its own.
Be warned, though. The script takes the worst of Borderlands' self-referential humour and vomits it at you relentlessly, offering a lower gag hit rate than Joe Pasquale and an apparently genuine belief that repeating the same soundbite 50 times in a single boss fight will enhance the experience.
If you can handle that (and it's far less grating in multiplayer), then there's plenty to admire in Battleborn. This is clearly a labour of love - Gearbox believes in what it has created and has filled the disc with content - and when the multiplayer flows, it's fresh and new in a way that even Overwatch can't boast. It'll take time to see just how the online modes balance out, but there's definitely something here that could be worth pursuing.
Will that be enough when Blizzard is dangling that shiny trinket in front of your face the whole time, though?"
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