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another assumption... bfbc2 is still pretty strong, hell a good chunk of the PC community is likely to roll back to bf2, or move onto mw3savagetwinkie
Another one is going to roll back to the what-is-now crap BF2 after playing BF3. A good chunk won't move to MW3 either.
[QUOTE="savagetwinkie"] another assumption... bfbc2 is still pretty strong, hell a good chunk of the PC community is likely to roll back to bf2, or move onto mw3ChubbyGuy40
Another one is going to roll back to the what-is-now crap BF2 after playing BF3. A good chunk won't move to MW3 either.
right, but that doesn't stop the fact that 360 dominated in sales so far... you're making massive assumptions, so why can't I now?right, but that doesn't stop the fact that 360 dominated in sales so far... you're making massive assumptions, so why can't I now?savagetwinkie
Because VG Chartz is not a credible source, therefor these numbers are BS and we don't know who sold the most.
There's no reason for them to move back to BF2, BC2, or move to MW3 unless they had more friends who played those or their machine can't handle BF3.
[QUOTE="NoodleFighter"][QUOTE="savagetwinkie"] even if you do the math where where EA said it sold 5million, the xbox is nearly half the sales... yes it issavagetwinkie
but what do you think will happen to this 360 domination on BF3 once MW3 comes out :trollface:
another assumption... bfbc2 is still pretty strong, hell a good chunk of the PC community is likely to roll back to bf2, or move onto mw3Bf2 had a strong community and it didn't keep BC 2 from selling :P
another assumption... bfbc2 is still pretty strong, hell a good chunk of the PC community is likely to roll back to bf2, or move onto mw3[QUOTE="savagetwinkie"][QUOTE="NoodleFighter"]
but what do you think will happen to this 360 domination on BF3 once MW3 comes out :trollface:
Bf2 had a strong community and it didn't keep BC 2 from selling :P
which has nothing to do with anything? Basically people might still be buying bf3??? is that what your getting at.but I hear them sails won't last long enough. A MW3 wind current is a brewing.You know what this means?
360's the best version
PS3's in second place
PC has the worst version
Damn... if I only knew I was buying the worst version ahead of time. All those higher review scores mean nothing now that the 360 haz da beast sails.Mystic-G
[QUOTE="NoodleFighter"][QUOTE="savagetwinkie"] another assumption... bfbc2 is still pretty strong, hell a good chunk of the PC community is likely to roll back to bf2, or move onto mw3savagetwinkie
Bf2 had a strong community and it didn't keep BC 2 from selling :P
which has nothing to do with anything? Basically people might still be buying bf3??? is that what your getting at. No more like, Bad Company 2 was much more different from BF2 than BF3 is and that didn't stop it from outselling the 360 and PS3 versions. Battlefield 3 is a middle ground between both Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 2.shooterBox360 :P
But I think if they did include sales on origin it would be much different. A lot of people I know bought the game directly on origin, and I haven't heard anyone at my school playing it on consoles.
shooterBox360 :P
But I think if they did include sales on origin it would be much different. A lot of people I know bought the game directly on origin, and I haven't heard anyone at my school playing it on consoles.
I bet if they included the sales from everywhere it would be accurate, but as it is it's just a guess.
Shooter console + no exclusives console Nothing to see here.kuraimen
I like how you try to bash on the 360 even though the numbers for the PC are so wrong.
The PC could very well have the highest amount of purchasers right now after factoring in digital distribution (which I bet accounts for 80-90% of sales for a title like BF3), as well as other retailers, and yet the PC also has the most exclusives of them all.
It does not include Digital Downloads which is where 60% of pc sales come from (maybe even more for BF)
Yeah, the digital percentage for this game is probably higher than usual; all PC versions of Battlefield 3 activate on Origin, so as with Steamworks games many players will go with whatever version is the cheapest (since the end result is the same), only opting for retail if it happens to be cheaper or they really want the physical materials.
I am guessing PC sales are close to the 360 version. This is why the Microsoft is the winner and Sony is the loser this console generation. Between System sales, Xbob Live, Exclusive sales numbers (Very few Sony exclusives come close to Microsoft exclusive sales), better 3rd party sales, and a bigger attachment rate, not to mention Kinect sales, Microsoft really put a beating on Sony.
Even with DD included I don't doubt PC version sold the worst. PC games always sell slower, but more steadily. Hence why at launch in most cases console versions outsell PC one, but later down the line they often even out. 360 - 2.2m PS3 - 1.5m PC - 500,000 (LOL) So the worst version outsells the definite versions lolproxy-served
360 is actually the best console version by miles
"The numbers aren't 100% accurate as some digital retailers, including EA's Origin, haven't disclosed their sales numbers, so it's likely that the numbers for the PC version are higher than reported."
I knew that was going to be the issue before I even clicked the link. I love how something like this comes out so soon before the main platform of the PC purchases is accounted for. And notice where that was placed on the article. Clearly an attempt to raise site traffic.
Shooter console + no exclusives console Nothing to see here.kuraimen
Actually 360 had more exlusives than any console in 2011
Halo CE, Forza 4, Rise of NIghtmares, Gunstringer, timed CHild of Eden and Bastion, Trenched, Half Minute Hero remake, Mr Splosion Man, Illomilo, Gears of War 3 etc etc
Also the PC/360 only Divinity 2, Torchlight and Grey Matter
Also two of them are the most huge shooters on the planet, Halo and Gears, so that would definatly not be a reason to increase BF3 sales
The reason 360 sells more is the fact that is 10.000.000 consoles ahead in US
Dayum. That's some serious hermit ownage.
Because VG Chartz is such incredible ownage...
Those are VGChartz numbers? Oh, sorry hermits.
[QUOTE="kuraimen"]Shooter console + no exclusives console Nothing to see here.loosingENDS
Actually 360 had more exlusives than any console in 2011
Halo CE, Forza 4, Rise of NIghtmares, Gunstringer, timed CHild of Eden and Bastion, Trenched, Half Minute Hero remake, Mr Splosion Man, Gears of War 3 etc etc
Also the PC/360 only Divinity 2 and Grey Matter
PS3 this year had: Yakuza 4 Disgaea 4 UC3 KZ3 Resistance 3 LBP2 MLB 2011 Motorstorm apocalypse Infamous 2 Socom 4 All PS3 exlusives, not including collections which aren't exclusives or timed games which don't count as exclusives. I could add more but I'm interested to see you add more to your list to beat mine which I do believe has more exclusives than your list does :)[QUOTE="kuraimen"]Shooter console + no exclusives console Nothing to see here.loosingENDS
Actually 360 had more exlusives than any console in 2011
Halo CE, Forza 4, Rise of NIghtmares, Gunstringer, timed CHild of Eden and Bastion, Trenched, Half Minute Hero remake, Mr Splosion Man, Illomilo, Gears of War 3 etc etc
Also the PC/360 only Divinity 2, Torchlight and Grey Matter
Also two of them are the most huge shooters on the planet, Halo and Gears, so that would definatly not be a reason to increase BF3 sales
The reason 360 sells more is the fact that is 10.000.000 consoles ahead in US
Bastion is on PC, saolin. ilomilo is on Windows Phone 7. It's amazing how you manage to list games that aren't exclusives but miss the real ones.
Actually 360 had more exlusives than any console in 2011
The reason 360 sells more is the fact that is 10.000.000 consoles ahead in US
So much false info. 360 is just as bad as the Wii for exclusives, except the Wii actually gets a good game in 14 days.
360 is only ahead by 2 million consoles, as per Sony and MS's own reports. PS3 is set to overtake the 360 next year.
[QUOTE="kuraimen"]Shooter console + no exclusives console Nothing to see here.loosingENDS
Actually 360 had more exlusives than any console in 2011
Halo CE, Forza 4, Rise of NIghtmares, Gunstringer, timed CHild of Eden and Bastion, Trenched, Half Minute Hero remake, Mr Splosion Man, Illomilo, Gears of War 3 etc etc
Also the PC/360 only Divinity 2, Torchlight and Grey Matter
Also two of them are the most huge shooters on the planet, Halo and Gears, so that would definatly not be a reason to increase BF3 sales
The reason 360 sells more is the fact that is 10.000.000 consoles ahead in US
Ha, fail more... please it really is funny.
Halo CE is a remake/'remaster'; RoN, Gunstringer, Child of Eden are all three Kinect games; Bastion is on PC (was just 50% off on Steam); Half Minute Hero is also a remake; the others excluding Forza and GeoW are downloadable.
This is the most pathetic attempt at trying to boost something's track record I have seen on SW in a while. You gotta try harder than that.
[QUOTE="kuraimen"]Shooter console + no exclusives console Nothing to see here.arto1223
Actually 360 had more exlusives than any console in 2011
Halo CE, Forza 4, Rise of NIghtmares, Gunstringer, timed CHild of Eden and Bastion, Trenched, Half Minute Hero remake, Mr Splosion Man, Illomilo, Gears of War 3 etc etc
Also the PC/360 only Divinity 2, Torchlight and Grey Matter
Also two of them are the most huge shooters on the planet, Halo and Gears, so that would definatly not be a reason to increase BF3 sales
The reason 360 sells more is the fact that is 10.000.000 consoles ahead in US
Ha, fail more... please it really is funny.
Halo CE is a remake/'remaster'; RoN, Gunstringer, Child of Eden are all three Kinect games; Bastion is on PC (was just 50% off on Steam); Half Minute Hero is also a remake; the others excluding Forza and GeoW are downloadable.
This is the most pathetic attempt at trying to boost something's track record I have seen on SW in a while. You gotta try harder than that.
Still, all these games are exclusive or timed exclusive on 360
Trying to downplay them all wont change that simple undeniable fact
360 does have more exlusives in 2011
Actually 360 had more exlusives than any console in 2011
Halo CE, Forza 4, Rise of NIghtmares, Gunstringer, timed CHild of Eden and Bastion, Trenched, Half Minute Hero remake, Mr Splosion Man, Illomilo, Gears of War 3 etc etc
Also the PC/360 only Divinity 2, Torchlight and Grey Matter
Also two of them are the most huge shooters on the planet, Halo and Gears, so that would definatly not be a reason to increase BF3 sales
The reason 360 sells more is the fact that is 10.000.000 consoles ahead in US
Ha, fail more... please it really is funny.
Halo CE is a remake/'remaster'; RoN, Gunstringer, Child of Eden are all three Kinect games; Bastion is on PC (was just 50% off on Steam); Half Minute Hero is also a remake; the others excluding Forza and GeoW are downloadable.
This is the most pathetic attempt at trying to boost something's track record I have seen on SW in a while. You gotta try harder than that.
Still, all these games are exclusive or timed exclusive on 360
Trying to downplay them all wont change that simple undeniable fact
360 does have more exlusives in 2011
My list still has more games since we don't count games on other consoles as exclusives. My list is also only retail games I could add more with PSN. So how exactly does it have more exclusives?[QUOTE="loosingENDS"][QUOTE="arto1223"]
Ha, fail more... please it really is funny.
Halo CE is a remake/'remaster'; RoN, Gunstringer, Child of Eden are all three Kinect games; Bastion is on PC (was just 50% off on Steam); Half Minute Hero is also a remake; the others excluding Forza and GeoW are downloadable.
This is the most pathetic attempt at trying to boost something's track record I have seen on SW in a while. You gotta try harder than that.
Still, all these games are exclusive or timed exclusive on 360
Trying to downplay them all wont change that simple undeniable fact
360 does have more exlusives in 2011
My list still has more games since we don't count games on other consoles as exclusives. My list is also only retail games I could add more with PSN. So how exactly does it have more exclusives?May i see your list then ? Add the PSN ones if you like
360 does have more exlusives in 2011
More exclusives than who? Sure as hell ain't the PS3 or PC.
My list still has more games since we don't count games on other consoles as exclusives. My list is also only retail games I could add more with PSN. So how exactly does it have more exclusives?[QUOTE="soulitane"][QUOTE="loosingENDS"]
Still, all these games are exclusive or timed exclusive on 360
Trying to downplay them all wont change that simple undeniable fact
360 does have more exlusives in 2011
May i see your list then ? Add the PSN ones if you like
It's right up the page but I'll be nice and copy and paste it for you. Yakuza 4 Disgaea 4 UC3 KZ3 Resistance 3 LBP2 MLB 2011 Motorstorm apocalypse Infamous 2 Socom 4 Taking off child of eden and bastion since they are no longer exclusives my list is bigger. I see no need to add the PSN titles yet since you haven't even beaten the retail list.[QUOTE="loosingENDS"]
360 does have more exlusives in 2011
More exclusives than who? Sure as hell ain't the PS3 or PC.
More than PS3
More than the Dreamcast.
Oddly enough I think the Dreamcast had a few games that came out this year from RedSpotGames :lol:
More than PS3
Even with Halo CE and those Kinect games, PS3 still wins and it doesn't include Japanese titles.
@ChubbyGuy40 That list does have a few games that weren't released this year on the PS3, but it does get the point across. :Psoulitane
I know, but was too lazy to update that list since it's so old.
[QUOTE="loosingENDS"][QUOTE="soulitane"] My list still has more games since we don't count games on other consoles as exclusives. My list is also only retail games I could add more with PSN. So how exactly does it have more exclusives?soulitane
May i see your list then ? Add the PSN ones if you like
It's right up the page but I'll be nice and copy and paste it for you.Yakuza 4
Disgaea 4
Resistance 3
MLB 2011
Motorstorm apocalypse
Infamous 2
Socom 4
Taking off child of eden and bastion since they are no longer exclusives my list is bigger. I see no need to add the PSN titles yet since you haven't even beaten the retail list.
Gears of War 3
Halo CE
Forza 4
Rise of NIghtmares
Half Minute Hero remake
Mr Splosion Man
Bastion (time exclusive)
Child of Eden (time exlusive)
And since you have a sports game, i can add
Kinect sports 2
Kinect Disneyland Adventures
Your Fitness 2012
Sesame Street
Also the PC/360 only Divinity 2, Torchlight and Grey Matter do matter
[QUOTE="soulitane"]@ChubbyGuy40 That list does have a few games that weren't released this year on the PS3, but it does get the point across. :PChubbyGuy40
I know, but was too lazy to update that list since it's so old.
Same for PC some of those have been moved to 2012
[QUOTE="soulitane"]@ChubbyGuy40 That list does have a few games that weren't released this year on the PS3, but it does get the point across. :PNoodleFighter
I know, but was too lazy to update that list since it's so old.
Same for PC some of those have been moved to 2012
And Crysis 1, Witcher 2 are hardly exclusives anymore in the MetaGame list
Gears of War 3
Halo CE
Forza 4
Rise of NIghtmares
Mr Splosion Man
And since you have a sports game, i can add
Kinect sports 2
Kinect Disneyland Adventures
Your Fitness 2012
Sesame Street
Please stick to the damn discussion and stop trying to derail it. We're talking about exclusives.
Also Half Minute Hero is a port, not a remake. Ilomilo is also on WP7.
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