[QUOTE="Cranler"] How is this milkage and previous installments not? BF 1942, BF Vietnam, BF 2 and BF 2142 all released within a 4 year period.Wasdie
Battlefield 2: June 2005.
Battlefield 3: October 2011.
Battlefield 4: fall 2013.
From 6 years to barely 2 years. I'm angry: BF3 was not only worse than Bad Company 2, but now instead of releasing BF 2143 or a Bad Company 3 game saving BF4 to the next gen of consoles they will release a BF3 mod called "Battlefield 4" aiming to prehistoric consoles with a collapsing cycle of sales as the main focus od the development.
Good luck with that EA: I fell in BF3 but mercifully avoided the DLCs and will not purchase your new Medal of Horror or new Battlefiled rehas; please call again when a new BC of BF 214X game would be ready, due are at most your obly franchises I could remotely care from you at this moment. And fire the Battlelog designer, please.
Wow really? What's the difference between waiting 6 years and waiting 2 years? Do you really think they worked on BF3 for 6 years?
They didn't start working on the meat of BF3 until they were done with BC2 which gave them a bit under 2 years to make the game.
DICE argued themselves that the long period from BF2 to BF3 give they time to explore new concepts as environment destruction using the console spin offs (Bd Company) as field of test.
That extended time will not exist in a 2 year frame window. Releasing a BF 2143 or Bad Company 3 would at least foced them to work in new assets, whereas releasing BF4 will turn the franchise into the same clusterf*** of lacking innovations and stagnation that COD currently suffers. I spent over 400 hours in BF2, over 800 hours in BC2, and less than 150 in BF3. I wasn't waiting for another Metro rehash so fast; now EA has nothing to me up to at least 2014, which is -to some extent- fine as will let me focus into more ambitious developers and products. But is still a shame for people which liked BF2 better than BF3.
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