First Battlefield 3, then this? Looks like DICE have lost their mojo.
The console versions scored an 8 on IGN; for all PC fans, you guys fared a tad better.
Oh, and it also got an 8 on Gamespot
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First Battlefield 3, then this? Looks like DICE have lost their mojo.
The console versions scored an 8 on IGN; for all PC fans, you guys fared a tad better.
Oh, and it also got an 8 on Gamespot
Looks like it is up to Ubisoft and Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag to save us from all this mediocrity
Going to lol when the xb0ne version gets a 7
Chris Walters played all versions; I assume the score will be constant across all platforms. oh yeaaaaaaaaaaaa
David Hinkle at Joystiq liked the campaign.
Gave it 4.5/5. For reference, he gave MoH: Warfighter a 2.
Mitch Dyer has almost nothing but good things to say about the multiplayer, suggesting it's like a Greatest of. Chris Watters seems to agree.
Apparently DICE might not quite have succeeded at designing all these maps to work well for all these modes, but by the way IGN words it, they all work well for the one mode that matters.
Good to hear DICE finally took a little bit of inspiration from the Bad Companies regarding single player, even though it doesn't appear to have been enough. Next time they should just fucking make Bad Company 3 for SP, like I've been whining about for ages.
The Xbox One version, however, remains under review embargo for another two weeks, so we can't evaluate it until then.
Haha, how supremely silly.
Nothing wrong with an 8, especially for the current gen consoles. I enjoyed the mutiplayer with my time spent playing the Xbox One version. But I'm assuming it was an older build since the textures looked a bit weird... I want to see how the next gen consoles fare.
Going to lol when the xb0ne version gets a 7
Chris Walters played all versions; I assume the score will be constant across all platforms.
He has not yet touched the xbone version, says so at the end of the review. And that was with the DF confirmation of the xbone running @720p to the PS4s 900.. but the xb0ne version somehow looks better
How is 8 a flop? Anyone expecting higher for a iterative sequel to a modern military shooter is delusional.
Well maybe if the gameplay actually evolved, games like this could score higher than 8. There is no reason we should still be playing 6th gen single objective gametypes in 2013. There's got to be more than just chasing flags back and forth over and over again.
Been playing it through VPN for hours now. It is is hit or miss. It does many thing worse than 3, which is pretty bad.
Been playing it through VPN for hours now. It is is hit or miss. It does many thing worse than 3, which is pretty bad.
Like what? Everything from the beta and the first level of the single player that I just played is a huge improvement over BF3 in every way.
Well maybe if the gameplay actually evolved, games like this could score higher than 8. There is no reason we should still be playing 6th gen single objective gametypes in 2013. There's got to be more than just chasing flags back and forth over and over again.
I agree, still no one was expecting these things from BF4.
good thing games like Natural Selection 2 and Rising Storm exist oh yeaaaaaaaaaaaa
TLHBO. I knew this would happen.
"bu..bu..but they are rumors!"
"b...bu.but teh ESRAM"
Hey dummy, Gamespot said the PS3 was the worst version of them all.
TITANFALL will recieve the same faith ...... No Campaign .... NoHighscore
good. games that skip on x [art of a ga,e should be sold for less OR include much more stuff in multiplayer than what you'd get normally which isn't the case oh yeaaaaaaaaaaaa
TLHBO. I knew this would happen.
"bu..bu..but they are rumors!"
"b...bu.but teh ESRAM"
Hey dummy, Gamespot said the PS3 was the worst version of them all.
Anyone who buys this on the current gen consoles is asking for a watered-down version anyway.
Only Collar Duty can score AAA. BF4 lacks the innovation Ghosts has.
Call of Duty is great at what it does, and it is incredibly fun; Battlefield seems to aim for technical mastery and miss every time, at least going by the last two games.
Looks like it got marked down for weak campaign and lower amount of players on X360/PS3 consoles, player limit won't matter on next gen systems.
I'm curious though if it's time BF's online MP changes. Seems like Conquest is the most popular and honestly that's one of my least favorite modes, I much prefer something like Rush mode or some new kinds of online modes other than Conquest and Deathmatch.
Only Collar Duty can score AAA. BF4 lacks the innovation Ghosts has.
Call of Duty is great at what it does, and it is incredibly fun; Battlefield seems to aim for technical mastery and miss every time, at least going by the last two games.
What? BF3 got the same score as MW3. Nothing about it was bad. BF4 is an improvement in every single way and for anybody who enjoys multiplayer shooters it's a must have. The series just isn't doing anything new and the single player still refuses to work with the strengths of the series. While the single player is already a lot better than BF3 (and I've only played one level), and in some regards it's actually moved toward the direction Bad Company 1 was heading (which is good), it's still both short and riddled with cliches which I know are going to bog the whole thing down.
Battlefield is also fantastic at what it does, mulitplayer. If you're playing Battlefield for the single player then you're missing the whole point.
@lamprey263: From what I played everything is improved. They slowed the movement speed of the player down a bit and increased the sizes of the maps. Furthermore the map design is far better featuring much more verticality and better control point placement as well as destruction that actually matters. Levolution is a gimmick, but the ability to blow through walls, close doors, and do little things like that really plays out well. The shooting is far better, suppression is no longer a major factor unless you go out of your way to make it a factor, none of the weapons are blatantly OP except for the drops that are on the maps which have limited ammo (power weapons), the hit detection and netcode is much smoother, and the graphics are way better despite running just as well as BF3 did.
I hear high praise for Obliteration on a lot of the maps so you should have that mode to check out.
EA has ruined Dice.Also it doesn't help the review score when their campaigns are half-assed. They should leave them out. Nobody will (or atleast shouldn't) buy this game for the campaign anyway.
Looks pretty uninspired, very similar to the previous BF games, the franchise isn't taking any meaningful steps forward. The core mechanics are still good, maybe a bit improved, but the whole thing's getting stale.
Sadly, it's not getting called out on that, like a certain game from a few days ago.
How is 8 a flop?
If people didn't hype it here as AAA, then it is in no way, shape or form a flop, especially if it will sell in the millions like i know it will because of the brand.
What a boring ass way to misuse a word just to annoy fanboys. God dammit Char, what are you doing?
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