Wow so you are saying the the main attraction to the Wii has been it's controlers!!!! Wow! Groundbreaking!!! I just realized teh only reason ppl are buying a 360 is only for better graphics! And a PS3 because of better graphics! What a jip! That's it's I'm done with gaming!
although does have it's downfalls (loz:tp for wii, compared to for gc) i'm getting one for many reasons...
games(SSBB, galaxy, MP3)
price($250 compared to $400-600 + tax)
added features
cheaper games
motion sensing(admit it or not, the wiimote does add endless possibilities when it comes to gameplay, and can make games more fun if the developers put their minds to it.. but like i said, there's always a point where it doesnt make a game any more fun... like zelda:tp)
free online play(i'm poor)
umm....Last time I check..the wii version has the "best" version tag on it. And in the review of the GC version...Jeff clearly stated that he preferred the wii controls to the GC controls in a direct comparison.
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