Obviously consoles are holding back PC games(graphically anyway), the evidence is right in front of your face. People go out and spend a lot of money on upgrading for no good reason. Most PC games are multiplats, and they look quite identical to their console counterparts. Yeah sure, you get higher res, but really...with the tech available, games should look 10x better on pc. They don't. Not even PC exclusives look that much better than console exclusives. This is why it doesn't make sense to upgrade unless if you are just future proofing your PC.
You pay $300-400 on a new gpu, it will only be worth it when the next gen consoles hits store shelves. Which...evidently will cost about the same amount you payed for your new hardware in your pc a year before. PC games won't look as good as they should right now, until the newer consoles are out. One game(Crysis) isn't much to justify upgrading.
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