Now aside from multiplat games in which I love there are always time for those ohh so sweet exclusives.
Now im not hear to say the 360 is dead or it has no games. But in the first 4 months sony is releasing many exclusives. LBP2, Hyperdimension neptuina (who knows if it'll actually be good) and killzone 3,Yakuza 4 and hell even PS move hero's, ( same as HDN who knows if it'll actually be good). But plain and simple where are the MS exclusives? I mean the system has great ones at that, but i've played most of them. Where are all the new ones? hell Ps3 is even more robust for the whole year
Killzone 3
Resistance 3
Dead Nation
Final Fantasy Versus 13
Uncharted 3
Twisted Metal
Infamous 2
TRINITY: Souls of Zill O'll
Virtua Tennis 4
Bleach: Soul Ignition
Hyper Demention Neptunia
Tales of Xilia
LittleBigPlanet 2
Atelier Totori
Under Siege
MLB 2011 The Show
Disgaea 4
Champions of Time
Singstar Dance
Ape Escape
Sly Cooper 4
Ar Tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel
Ratchet & Clank: All4One
White Knights Chronicles 2
Motorstorm: Apocalypse
The Last Guardian
Yakuza 5
While 360 has
Ohh and this
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