Dude, why do you list multiplats as exclusives?
There are 5 PC/360 games on that list. And I don't understand why people DON'T list games the 360 shares with the PC on the PS3-comparison lists: it may be on the PC, but it's not on the PS3, so for all purposes it's exclusive to those who have a PC/360. If you're comparing the console to the PS3, it makes sense to list the games that are on the 360 and aren't on the PS3, even if they are on the PC.
ah yes, "console exclusives"... We have dismissed that claim.I'm just saying that in a two-way comparison, even if one of the compared items shares a characteristic with a third object that isn't in the comparison, you can say that the item shared is exclusive when in the comparison. So, Red Dead Redemption is exclusive to the 360 when regarding the PC, and, for an example, Breach is exclusive to the 360 when compared to the PS3.
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