[QUOTE="Puckhog04"] [QUOTE="Zenfoldor"]I'm gonna stop posting now, lol, I'm sorry I was offensive puck.Zenfoldor
Offensive? Please, only a child would be disturbed by the little remarks you wrote.
Good, I thought I hurt your feelings little dude. I'm sorry.
Anyway, yeah, your right, I brought up Spore. I was wrong, it's not exclusive, your right.
I do think you are telling a couple of lies, either to yourself or to me...
...not really lies though. More like omissions.
I mean, your arguments really can't just be set aside, they are important.
However when you argue about sales figures, there I can't stand silent. You have to understand(and I know you do) that the Wii has sold at double the rate of the 360 so far, and is still selling a lot faster than the 360 according to any of the crappy tracking sites that youa re quoting. You know as well as I do that the fact that the 360 "outsold" the Wii by a couple thousand units when Halo 3 was launched isn't gonna last, and didn't last.
Yes, you even know that the reason the Wii didn't outsell it then is because it sold its full supply, and couldn't possibly sell any more. You even know that the reason the Wii isn't lightyears ahead of the 360(it's still pretty far ahead) is because it can't meet demand.
Now I've named quite a few games off the list for you. If what you say is true, and you don't own a Wii, when you can't possibly know how awesome the games are, that you are missing out on. You played Atari? You played SNES? Did you ever play LTTP, or SMB 3? Do you think those games are for kids, I mean really? Are they bad games? Are those games bad? Is LTTP a bad game?
Well the new first party games are AWESOME for the Wii. SMG is possibly the best Mario game ever. Imagine if you missed out on LTTP? You coulnd't even have this conversation with me right now, because you would be so lost, you wouln't know what I'm talking about. If, in the future, you have never played SMG, you will be in the same boat.
I have a 360. I will be able to knowledgable discuss the gaming industry of the future, by knowing its past.
Back to your original statement, you asked what you were missing when you didn't buy a Wii? Tons of awesome and exclusive first and third party games, that you may or may not love. There are also quite a selection of AAA and AA exclusive titles for the console, that you haven't played. Why haven't you played them?
I'm mean, I'm a Nintendo fanboy. I admit. However, I own a 360, and love it. Why don't you own a Wii? You played GCN, you played RE4, forget the "exclusivity" crap, if you owned a Gamecube, you know there were some great games for that system, and at least a few, you would be a poorer gamer for not owning.
So, please, I'm begging you bro, stop the Wii and Nintendo hate. You know as well as the rest of us that Nintendo makes some pretty meaningful games, and the Wii is a real system that a hell of a lot of people own and love. They are all not kids, and they are all not dumb suckers. I am one of them. I'm quite intelligent for a human, though I might have an issue or two deep down. You offend me with your harsh words and make me angry, when you and I both know they are not true. Sorry for taking up your time.
1. Hurt my feelings? Over the internet? :lol:
2. I know i was right about spore, that's why i mentioned it.
3. Everything i said about the exclusives and such are truthful. Everything on that list is currently scheduled to either hit the Xbox 360 or PS3 exclusively (i do remeber quoting some PS3 exclusives earlier on). And the Multiplats are true as well.
4. Yep, i played both Zelda: A link to the Past and Super Mario Brothers 3. I also played other games in that era like Super Metroid and Final Fantasy (3 i think it was, don't really remember exactly), among others. LTTP is quite possibly my favorite game of all time...i beat it nearly 5+ times when i was a kid. I don't recall ever saying Mario sucked...in fact, i have been giving props to SMG all night. I said it was a great score, however, that and Zelda are still the only worthwhile titles on the Console for me. I never considered them for kids, ever. But, other than those 2 games, the Wii has alot of party games that take advantage of the controller. And, i'm sorry, playing tennis with a little controller in my living room doesn't qualify as a good time to me. So, Zelda and SMG are it for me on the Wii atm.
5. Yep, i'm missing some games when i don't buy a Wii right now. Did i ever say i would never buy one? Nope. I'll have all 3 down the road at some point, possibly by the end of next year. Never once did i state that i would never buy one.
6. Yep, i owned a GC and loved the Nintendo titles on it. But, like with the Wii, the Nintendo titles are essentially the only reason to own one. And, considering i'm buying 4 games alone for the 360 this month (Kane and Lynch, Assassins Creed, Mass Effect, and COD4, of which i already got COD4), i won't be buying anything else.
7. I beat Zelda at a buddies house. Yes, it took about 45 hours. He had his Wii setup a few doors down in the Military housing though and said i could play it when i felt like. I beat it in a week or so of playing it on and off. Yes, it was a great game.
8. I don't hate on the Wii...i plan on buying one in the future just as i plan on buying a PS3. Simply put though, the only titles worth it to me atm are Zelda and SMG. I never said the Wii was a "Fake" system. I said that Nintendo aimed at a different market with it and they admitted this. They were trying to target people that didn't normally play Videogames which were some fairly young kids (yes, i know alot of families that bought a Wii for their child) and older adults that wouldn't usually play games. They didn't necessarily cater to the Hardcore market here of gamers. This is the reason for it's high sales (along withits price and controller). They penetrated a market that wouldn't of otherwise been brought to light of some of these games.
9. As for sales...you know what, supply and demand is the way of business. If Nintendo holds some back and lets a drought go, more people want the Console. It's just business. I'm not saying they're doing this but it's a possibility. And, if they are, then that's their problem. Either way, low supply is their problem. I'm not going to argue what "could've been sold" with you. The numbers are there and, yep, the Wii is ahead by less than 1 million. Yes, it released after the 360 and yes it's ahead. I stated the reasons for that however. Either way, in no way does the Wii's slight lead make the 360, and even the PS3's userbase useless. Far from it in fact as shown by the multiplats and exclusives on both consoles.
10. Yes, everythingI said was true. You were belittling my opinion based on assumptions that were wrong.
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