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Yeah, let me just walk into steam to get my DISK. So that I can let my friends borrow the game and bring it to their house to let them play it...Steam > any brick & mortar store
Steam > any brick & mortar store
Yeah, let me just walk into steam to get my DISK. So that I can let my friends borrow the game and bring it to their house to let them play it... Well, with Steam, games are attached to your account, so you don't have to worry about losing your disks. And, if you have a guest pass, you can give that to your friend, or you can just buy the game and gift it to them if your that nice.Yeah, let me just walk into steam to get my DISK. So that I can let my friends borrow the game and bring it to their house to let them play it...[QUOTE="88mphSlayer"]
Steam > any brick & mortar store
i've actually gifted my friends games just because i saved money during discounts on steam, i mean how else would you be able to enjoy an online game with a friend if there was only 1 copy between the two of you?
i mean how else would you be able to enjoy an online game with a friend if there was only 1 copy between the two of you?
Split Screen? :D
Yeah, let me just walk into steam to get my DISK. So that I can let my friends borrow the game and bring it to their house to let them play it...[QUOTE="Hathesulacon"]
Steam > any brick & mortar store
i've actually gifted my friends games just because i saved money during discounts on steam, i mean how else would you be able to enjoy an online game with a friend if there was only 1 copy between the two of you?
What happens if your hard drive gets a virus or something. Oops, games gone? lol[QUOTE="88mphSlayer"]
[QUOTE="Hathesulacon"]Yeah, let me just walk into steam to get my DISK. So that I can let my friends borrow the game and bring it to their house to let them play it...
i've actually gifted my friends games just because i saved money during discounts on steam, i mean how else would you be able to enjoy an online game with a friend if there was only 1 copy between the two of you?
What happens if your hard drive gets a virus or something. Oops, games gone? lol oops? not even. You can install games on any computer and even play in offline mode. Steam Deals area awesome and not worrying about cd keys and other retail burrdens it awesome. if only xbox would get a good dd service, sorry xbox I'm not paying 39.99 for a three year old lame naruto game (CND prices they rip us off here like crazy)Yeah, let me just walk into steam to get my DISK. So that I can let my friends borrow the game and bring it to their house to let them play it... Among other things... I am not a big fan of DD. I use it when it makes sense, but I prefer having physical copies of games, by a long shot. When the world gets attacked by aliens and your PC gets nuked and you steal a PC and try and redownload all your games but teh internetz are all gone because it's teh apocalypse, I'll be sticking a disc in my drive and LOLing right in your face, DD-lovers! :P Seriously though, DD doesn't do it for me for full games. It feels like a rip-off.[QUOTE="88mphSlayer"]
Steam > any brick & mortar store
[QUOTE="Hathesulacon"]Yeah, let me just walk into steam to get my DISK. So that I can let my friends borrow the game and bring it to their house to let them play it...
i've actually gifted my friends games just because i saved money during discounts on steam, i mean how else would you be able to enjoy an online game with a friend if there was only 1 copy between the two of you?
What happens if your hard drive gets a virus or something. Oops, games gone? lolYou redownload the game for free because steam will know by your account info that you already purchased the game.
Yeah, let me just walk into steam to get my DISK. So that I can let my friends borrow the game and bring it to their house to let them play it...[QUOTE="88mphSlayer"]
Steam > any brick & mortar store
Indeed. I will never again give control of my games over to a DRM system. I played 3 games on Steam and it was a disaster.
I want to own and have complete control over the game, not purchase Steam's willingness to allow me to play. Screw Steam and Valve for inventing this DRM system.
[QUOTE="Hathesulacon"]Yeah, let me just walk into steam to get my DISK. So that I can let my friends borrow the game and bring it to their house to let them play it...
i've actually gifted my friends games just because i saved money during discounts on steam, i mean how else would you be able to enjoy an online game with a friend if there was only 1 copy between the two of you?
What happens if your hard drive gets a virus or something. Oops, games gone? lol This here kids is what happenes when you don't do any research on anything. When you get a new hard drive, all you have to do download and install Steam, log in to your account, and then re-download the games again.[QUOTE="88mphSlayer"]
[QUOTE="Hathesulacon"]Yeah, let me just walk into steam to get my DISK. So that I can let my friends borrow the game and bring it to their house to let them play it...
i've actually gifted my friends games just because i saved money during discounts on steam, i mean how else would you be able to enjoy an online game with a friend if there was only 1 copy between the two of you?
What happens if your hard drive gets a virus or something. Oops, games gone? lol Umm no. But thanks for showing everyone that you don't know how Steam works. What happens on Steam is you buy a game and it is tied to your account. You can log into your account on any computer that has Steam installed and download and play your games on ANY computer. If a hard drive crashes, buy a new hard drive and redownload your games. You always have your games with Steam and you will never lose them.[QUOTE="Hathesulacon"]What happens if your hard drive gets a virus or something. Oops, games gone? lol This here kids is what happenes when you don't do any research on anything. When you get a new hard drive, all you have to do download and install Steam, log in to your account, and then re-download the games again.[QUOTE="88mphSlayer"]
i've actually gifted my friends games just because i saved money during discounts on steam, i mean how else would you be able to enjoy an online game with a friend if there was only 1 copy between the two of you?
Yes, you can redownload the game. No, it will not be the game that shipped. They automatically patch the game and don't give you access to the original files. Meaning if a mod comes out that you want to play, but it's only for version 1.1, and the patch is currently 1.4, you can't play it because Steam only gives you 1.4.
I want control over my software, not Gabe Newell telling me which version I can play.
Yes, you can redownload the game. No, it will not be the game that shipped. They automatically patch the game and don't give you access to the original files. Meaning if a mod comes out that you want to play, but it's only for version 1.1, and the patch is currently 1.4, you can't play it because Steam only gives you 1.4.I want control over my software, not Gabe Newell telling me which version I can play.
There is an option to turn off auto patching.
[QUOTE="Hahadouken"]It feels like a rip-off._Tobli_
What makes it feel like a rip off?
Mostly, it's the fact that I just paid money for an intangible product. It makes you realize the only difference between DD and straight up filthy-pirating it are a few lines of code proving you bought it legit. I don't like the idea that the devs could find some awesome Easter Egg 2 years down the line and remove that from the game so if/when I download it again, the Easter Egg is gone. It feels like the publishers have complete control over it. I don't think it's rational and I don't expect you to agree, but it's how I feel. I may be a dinosaur but I like looking at my shelf and seeing 40 games from this gen staring back at me. I feel like DD totally cheapened music, nobody cares about "albums" anymore, you can carry around 200,000 songs in something the size of a cigarette pack, and as a result, you don't appreciate music the same way. I sure don't. A lot of people cite "getting rid of clutter" as a reason, but I like clutter. I don't want some future apartment that looks like the designers room in "Grandma's Boy". :P Then there is the issue of trading in games... ooh... I know it's bad for the industry, but I'm sorry, if a game is godawful and I paid full price for it (Far Cry 2), I am not going to sit on my hands and say "let the buyer beware". I'm going to SALVAGE that ****, at least in part. They didn't respect me as a gamer, I'm not going to go out of my way to respect them as a publisher. Then I have a ton of pent-up anger over PC's and compatibility but that's another story for another day.[QUOTE="The-Mosher"][QUOTE="Hathesulacon"]What happens if your hard drive gets a virus or something. Oops, games gone? lol
This here kids is what happenes when you don't do any research on anything. When you get a new hard drive, all you have to do download and install Steam, log in to your account, and then re-download the games again.Yes, you can redownload the game. No, it will not be the game that shipped. They automatically patch the game and don't give you access to the original files. Meaning if a mod comes out that you want to play, but it's only for version 1.1, and the patch is currently 1.4, you can't play it because Steam only gives you 1.4.
I want control over my software, not Gabe Newell telling me which version I can play.
You can take off the automatic patching for a game of your choice.You redownload the game for free because steam will know by your account info that you already purchased the game.
oops? not even. You can install games on any computer and even play in offline mode. lawlnametaken
It's attached to a persistent account. You can download it again once you have fixed the virus issue.
also, if you don't feel like redownloading all your games over the internet you can use the backup tool and burn all of your games onto your choice of external media (HDD or dvd's or whatever)
This here kids is what happenes when you don't do any research on anything. When you get a new hard drive, all you have to do download and install Steam, log in to your account, and then re-download the games again.[QUOTE="The-Mosher"][QUOTE="Hathesulacon"]What happens if your hard drive gets a virus or something. Oops, games gone? lol
Yes, you can redownload the game. No, it will not be the game that shipped. They automatically patch the game and don't give you access to the original files. Meaning if a mod comes out that you want to play, but it's only for version 1.1, and the patch is currently 1.4, you can't play it because Steam only gives you 1.4.
I want control over my software, not Gabe Newell telling me which version I can play.
make a backup, that's why it exists
[QUOTE="KristoffBrujah"]Yes, you can redownload the game. No, it will not be the game that shipped. They automatically patch the game and don't give you access to the original files. Meaning if a mod comes out that you want to play, but it's only for version 1.1, and the patch is currently 1.4, you can't play it because Steam only gives you 1.4.
I want control over my software, not Gabe Newell telling me which version I can play.
There is an option to turn off auto patching.
And if you lose your data, if you don't know about the option and it patches (even when you tell it to stop, it won't), if you bought the game after the next patch is released, then you are screwed with that version forever. You can never again recover the old version.
The only way to keep the old version is to 1) Buy the game before it's patched and 2) Realize that Steam is a DRM and forces you to patch to play the game (so you should turn the option off that you didn't realize was needed or existed.) and 3) Have a perfect computer that never loses data or needs reformating or new operating systems
It's a terrible DRM system.
I disagree completely, i bought mw2 for 39 while its 59 on the steam, i only buy stuff from steam when they have sales.Steam > any brick & mortar store
[QUOTE="The-Mosher"] This here kids is what happenes when you don't do any research on anything. When you get a new hard drive, all you have to do download and install Steam, log in to your account, and then re-download the games again.88mphSlayer
Yes, you can redownload the game. No, it will not be the game that shipped. They automatically patch the game and don't give you access to the original files. Meaning if a mod comes out that you want to play, but it's only for version 1.1, and the patch is currently 1.4, you can't play it because Steam only gives you 1.4.
I want control over my software, not Gabe Newell telling me which version I can play.
make a backup, that's why it exists
Or buy a disc for the same price and save yourself the trouble. Why backup when I can own my game?
Mass Effect 2 was $29.99 all last week at Hastings Entertainment. Good deals exist everywhere, so why limit yourself?
Best buy is better than Gamestop. Though Target is now my favorite. Here in the states it was the only place around me to get STALKER CoP :P.millerlight89And Napoleon: Total War. ;)
[QUOTE="millerlight89"]Best buy is better than Gamestop. Though Target is now my favorite. Here in the states it was the only place around me to get STALKER CoP :P.The-MosherAnd Napoleon: Total War. ;) Quite sad when Target has certain games that the freaking Game/Electronic outlets do not. I did not know the was the case for Napoleon : TW too!
[QUOTE="The-Mosher"][QUOTE="millerlight89"]Best buy is better than Gamestop. Though Target is now my favorite. Here in the states it was the only place around me to get STALKER CoP :P.millerlight89And Napoleon: Total War. ;) Quite sad when Target has certain games that the freaking Game/Electronic outlets do not. I did not know the was the case for Napoleon : TW too! I know right? I tried searching at Wal-Mart and Best Buy for Napoleon, and Target had the game on the new releases stands, which suprised me a lot.
Fry's Electronics SonicplysI have heard so many good things about Fry's, I really wish I had one anywhere near me.
Gamestop's 'deals' have always been bad. There's only a few actual deals out of the 100s they advertise. Despite selling video games primarily, major retailers still offer way better deals than them most of the time. They only reason Gamestop makes so much money is because they take advantage of all of the people who don't know any better. There's no reason to trade in a game that you could sell for twice the price on the spot.
[QUOTE="Hathesulacon"]Yeah, let me just walk into steam to get my DISK. So that I can let my friends borrow the game and bring it to their house to let them play it...[QUOTE="88mphSlayer"]
Steam > any brick & mortar store
Gamestop has way better deals than Best Buy. Also Ubisoft dropped the price of the Collectors Edition because the USB drives they shipped are faulty.. They did that instead of replacing them. LawlsCouth_Show me 3 good deals that Gamestop had this whole year, then I'll agree. As for the Collector's Edition; $60 is still the same price as a new MSRP game, and you're getting extra stuff with it besides the USB drive, so it's a good deal for people who buy games on launch.
[QUOTE="Couth_"]Gamestop has way better deals than Best Buy. Also Ubisoft dropped the price of the Collectors Edition because the USB drives they shipped are faulty.. They did that instead of replacing them. LawlsRogueShodownShow me 3 good deals that Gamestop had this whole year, then I'll agree. As for the Collector's Edition; $60 is still the same price as a new MSRP game, and you're getting extra stuff with it besides the USB drive, so it's a good deal for people who buy games on launch. Hey theres 3 good deals on the front page :o Just because they rip you off when you trade in your games, doesn't mean they don't ever sell stuff for cheap. The fact that they sell used at in the first place, those prices always beat Best Buy's. Best buy is freaking terrible to shop at. Amazon is the best by far, but Best Buy is one of the worst. Also, as far as 'ripping' people off for trade ins. Their trade in values are damn near identical to Amazon's. And one of their recent deals was an extra 50% on all trade ins, which is an excellent deal.
Yeah, let me just walk into steam to get my DISK. So that I can let my friends borrow the game and bring it to their house to let them play it...[QUOTE="Hathesulacon"]
Steam > any brick & mortar store
i've actually gifted my friends games just because i saved money during discounts on steam, i mean how else would you be able to enjoy an online game with a friend if there was only 1 copy between the two of you?
uhhh.....split screen?
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