Ok I own a laptop right and like playing games on it but after buying some of the new games I'm starting to realise that the new games aren't running that gr8, plus I'm having trouble finding pc games in retail stores, when they are listed for pc. So I'm considering getting a console but am not sure which to get ps3 or 360(I already have a wii).
Below is a list of pros and cons I came up with, feel free to add and try to point out which console I should get and why. So about 50% of the people I know own a 360, 5% own wii and 40% own ps3 (There are some who game on pc but I'm not looking at buying a new pc). I like RPG's, Shooters and strategy games and enjoy sp plus mp. I know allot of people say the ps3 is more expensive but after paying for xbl for awhile I think it would be more expensive. Lots of people rant about 360 online being better but what's wrong with psn? Okay so I don't mind either controller that much but which is the best for RPG's and Shooters. I like halo but haven't found it revolutionary (Although Reach looks awesome. I have never played any ps3 games but killzone 3 looks cool and it always has multiplats.
Give me some more pros and cons for each and please try to tell me the best console for me. I don't really care if you like it. I want to know the best one for me. Cheers!
It's hard not to want a 360 right now, with Reach coming out--which will be the BEST online mp game out there, but other than that it is hard to recommend because it feels like it is being phased out in ways. Reach will be great no doubt, it is also going to null almost all other online fps games on the system. The other problem is that most 360 fps games are extemely mp focused, and now that the older ones are phased out, it almost isn't even worth playing them, even the high scoring ones.
With 360, the future depends on the success of Kinect, really. If it succeeds you can expect a bunch of pick up and play type games. If it doesn't, you can expect a drop in core game focus, initially, but by then it will be playing catch up with the other system. With PS3, you get a LOT of single player exclusives--some of which seem to be forgotten about. Games like Heavenly Sword and the original Motorsport, even though there is a sequel, are still worth checking out.
Also, there seems to be more of an evolution of games going on with the ps3. I haven't tried it yet, buy I've been told that Wipout in 3D will blow your mind. Move will cover the wii knock offs, get improved 3rd party wii/ps3 games, and also have unique ps3 Move/controllable in 3D games, somewhere down the road.
However, Halo Reach is coming out.
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