I'm actually finding that, despite the 'streamlining' of the suit, I'm playing the same way that I did in Crysis. That might sound strange, but hear me out:
- I only really used strength in Crysis to jump to high places and for one-hit melees. Both of these can be done in Crysis 2: holding down jump for strength jump and holding down melee for strength punch. If I ever need steady aiming, I can just equip the appropriate nanosuit module.
- Cloak is pretty much the same, so nothing there.
- Armor mode, regardless of what others have said about it 'draining energy all the time' (which it does), isfar more powerfulthan it was in Crysis. You're practically a walking tank when you have it activated. When armor mode isn't activated you're only slightly weaker than you were with armor mode in Crysis 1.
- Although speed mode is gone, the new sprinting finds a nice balance between the slow default sprint of Crysis and the speed mode sprint. It's faster than the default sprint in Crysis, but also lasts far longer than speed mode used to.
I'm guessing many won't make sense of that, but I needed to put it out there :PNotTarts
Armour mode has been downgraded in almost every perceivable manner. Not only does it constantly consume energy, as opposed to being situational based. But you still take health damage when you are hit, the enemy used to have to eat through your energy first. So you could have full energy and a little health, and die when hit in Crysis 2.
I call that inferior.
Stealth mode is also worse. Energy consumption used to be situational based, meaning it consumed at different rates; depending on how active the player was. Now it consumes at the same rate, regardless of player movement, and runs out "much" faster as a result.
I call that inferior as well. Nanosuit 2 looks like a downgrade for the most part, it has just streamlined its use.
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