Ghost Recon
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The Flight Simulator series. If it really was boring, it wouldn't be one of the longest lasting series in PC gaming.
[QUOTE="foxhound_fox"]Mostly unfair. The review seems to be based on the idea that it was a combination of two other games (it mentions Warcraft and Civilization), instead of evaluating the game based on its own merits. Granted, the score merely reflects the reviewer's enjoyment, but I still feel it was unfair to give the predecessor of AOEII such a low score. I enjoyed it quite a bit (not nearly as much as AOEII) but it was still a good game with a unique premise (medieval RTS) for its time. I never played AoE, but I loved AoEII. Is it worth going back to?[QUOTE="_Matt_"]very poor as in a very low score, or very poor as in an innaccurate review of the game?
I would say so if it was cheap and you could get it to run on your pc.
Battlefield 1942
Possibly the awesomest game ever.
Because this.
BF1942 was crazy. I don't expect BF3 to live up to its insanity, because unfortunately DICE now knows better. But I hope the scale and scope of it will return. A mix of BF1942 and BF2 with destruction would be fantastic (and maybe impossible). I have high hopes but low expectations (Bad Company 3).
[QUOTE="DarkLink77"]I never played AoE, but I loved AoEII. Is it worth going back to?foxhound_fox
*grim fandango pic*
No other response is necessary :P
I was racking my brain over this, and you showed the obvious answer!
For me it has to be Europa Universalis 3: Heir to the Throne. I love the National Idea called "Unam Sanctum". Free declrations of war against heretics AND heathens (Heretics being a different religon in the same religious group, Heathen beinga diferent religion outside of your religious group) AND a +5 bonus to papacy influance (only availible to catholic counties though). Makes Colonizing the AMericas and south east Asia a little easier. Couple that with Colonial Ventures and my little Hansa Trading country becomes a powerhouse (also getting "quest for the new world" can make mean teh most vauable territorys are more lickly to be grabbed by you).
Grim fandango is a close second for me.
Deus Ex was definately a good choice. I recently started a new game on it after buying it through Steam.
Download the ultra graphics mod pack to make it look better.
Grim fandango is a close second for me.
Deus Ex was definately a good choice. I recently started a new game on it after buying it through Steam.
Download the ultra graphics mod pack to make it look better.
Do you have a link? I've been fiddling around with some mods, but nothing worthy of leaving installed yet.
Deus Ex was definately a good choice. I recently started a new game on it after buying it through Steam.
Download the ultra graphics mod pack to make it look better.
Do you have a link? I've been fiddling around with some mods, but nothing worthy of leaving installed yet. also The Nameless Mod that adds a whole new story, its my personal favorite mod ever.
Deus Ex was definately a good choice. I recently started a new game on it after buying it through Steam.
Download the ultra graphics mod pack to make it look better.
Do you have a link? I've been fiddling around with some mods, but nothing worthy of leaving installed yet.
Just go to either google or youtube and type in Dues Ex graphics mods and you will find them and get the newest version out.
theres also The Nameless Mod that adds a whole new story, its my personal favorite mod ever.
Awesome! I'll give it all a try.
The Nameless Mod certainly sounds interesting.
Just go to either google or youtube and type in Dues Ex graphics mods and you will find them and get the newest version out.
Thanks mucho!
Likewise, except I still play it pretty regularly. I can't say it's the best game of all time, but it is unquestionably my favorite.
1000+ hours.
Still play here and there.
That game is so nasty. I'm playing it right now and the quest lines are some of the best I have ever played and make a ridiculous mockery of other highly rated RPGs. The "Gecko" reactor quest line comes to mind. The game also makes me laugh out loud. Extremely underrated, especially compared to the garbage that passes for an RPG nowadays.
By far the best PC game ever made.
Haha are you saying that II is better than I? I agree. I doesnt even come close, and high five if you are saying that DII is the best PC game ;).
the first was too weird, everything happened to take place in a massive dungeon underneath one town?@R3FURBISHED
Haha are you saying that II is better than I? I agree. I doesnt even come close, and high five if you are saying that DII is the best PC game ;).
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