[QUOTE="TriangleHard"][QUOTE="FrozenLiquid"][QUOTE="TriangleHard"]Yes TIME is certainly very important in storytelling.
That's how much detail you can put in, and being restricted in amount of details you can put in certainly hurts.
Why do you think book is always better than the movie counter-part?
Seriously, you need to go study more yourself
Hmm.... -thinks to himself-
Ah yes!
The Godfather, originally a novel, is far superior to its book counterpart according to many people.
Here's another one: 2001: A Space Odyssey. More thought provoking than the book could ever get you to do.
The only people that think the Lord of the Rings books are better than their movie counterparts are those that are fanatic about the books. I myself am a fan of the books, but I appreciate the movies for being damn good, and equalling what was mentioned in Tolkien's writing.
Ok, I mucked up. Time is important. What I meant was length. If length was the most important thing about stories, the longer a movie is, the better it'd be. King Kong 2005 is deemed inferior to the 1933 version because it's so bloody long and melodramatic. It took 2 hours worth of film and put it into 3 hours. No good.
Pirates of the Caribbean 3 is long, boring bullsh**. There are many movies in the hour and a half mark that totally destroy that 2 hr, 50 minute piece of crap.
Sure, I'm going to study more, because i don't know enough personally. But when you have studied Citizen Kane, The Matrix, the Godfather, Apocalypse Now..... Asian films like Pulse, One Missed Call, Brotherhood of War.....European films like Amelie and Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrells.... video games such as Halo and Knights of the Old Republic.... then you can come and tell me to study stories yourself. And I don't mean studying them in class time. I meant studying them in your own time. Perhaps you can write 100 leafs worth of notes on Halo just like me. Then maybe you'll learn a fraction of what stories in all mediums have to offer.
Ok I also got little carried away too. I even mentioned Old Boy when the movie was much better than original manga.
However, in most cases many people do generally recieve the impression that the book is better than movies, because it is difficult to put large amount of information within 2 to 3 hour limit. If you study about literatures and films that much, you should know how difficult that is.
I also study lots of films, books, and less extend games. I've watched Amelie, Apocalypse Now, Tales of Two Sisters, JSA, etc etc etc. I also have read many books like Art of War, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Norse Mythology etc. I think there is absolutely no reason why my opinion should weigh less than yours.
Yes, that's the impression, because most people don't realize how hard it is to translate novels to film, and games to film, and vice versa.
Translating a novel to film does not mean simply re arranging the dialogue, trimming out bits because it doesn't fit et voila. I could do that within a day. That's what Steve Kloves did with Harry Potter, and it completely butchered the HP stories (although I like Harry Potter 3, because Alfonso Cuaron is awesome).
When people say film adaption, they don't really adapt. They rather.... translate. Adapting is to change the pace, show things in a different way (because you have a visual medium on your hands, why tell when you can show?).
Most script writers, in fact almost all of them, are only there to cash in a few dollars. Hence "translating". What most people don't realize in the film medium, or they choose to ignore this because it requires more work, is that dialogue is only 10% of communication. The other 90% is purely visual.
Watch Marlon Brando's performance in the Godfather. Most of his character comes through the way he acts, not what he speaks.
IMO Harry Potter 3 was the worst out of all the Potter movies. IT just totally ruined the Harry Potter atmosphere. Children of Men was pretty good though.
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