For me :
Stranglehold : I liked it better than Max Payne 3. It was faster , you have more moves , you have grenades , the game is more destructible and it at least has enjoyable bossfight battles.
True Crime New York City: pretty great open world which I have already discussed it to death.
Star Wars Starfighter: For me in some ways it was better than Rogue Squadron 2(It had some storyline than just playing some missions and I liked it's medal system much more than the medal system of Rogue 2) but due to inferior graphics,draw distance and it's focus on episode 1 movie this game barely gets mentioned.
Metal Gear Survive: needs no explanation since you won't believe me on this anyway.
Spiderman 2000: This game came out around the time that Superman 64(LOL) arrived and it's still the best Spiderman game. but people love to consider Spiderman 2 the movie as the best one (Even though that second one didn't have any difficulty setting, had worse combat compare to 2000 , worse bossfight battles , repetitive missions and worse voice acting compare to 2000) just because Spiderman 2 only had better swinging mechanics.
The Evil Within 1 : Discussed it to death already.I also like it more than TEW 2.(TEW 2 was also great but not as great as 1)
Resident Evil 1 Original 1996 version: I don't understand why people prefer the Remake over it. This one has much better soundtracks for a horror game, more jumpscares , has less backtracking compare to remake, better pacing(Liza trevlor was the most useless boss that was ever in a RE franchise) , you don't have to unequip weapons in order to run faster , harder than remake , cutscenes were also better. at least in the endings the main characters become dirty unlike Remake. (Opening cinematic despite being campy was also better than the lame "shooting the zombie in the head" opening in remake)
Just because remake has better graphics and better dialogues won't make it better than the original.
Original also had more enemies on screen compare to remake.
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