If you're talking Battlefield-style multiplayer in a game that hasn't been released yet, then I'm looking forward the most to... ...Crysis and its Power Struggle Mode. If done right, we'll all be saying "Battlefield who?" Mark my words. As far as already-released games go, I don't think anything's topped Battlefield 2 yet, at least for infantry combat(I like BF1942's vehicles better for some reason, though BF2 definitely improved the on-foot experience). However, I have yet to play WWII Online. Mostly because I'm waiting for the right time to get my new PC so that I don't waste a trial key trying to play it on a 2002-era system that'll run it as crappily as it does PlanetSide. When I do, though, I wouldn't be surprised if it beats the rest for the title of "best WWII FPS ever" despite the dated graphics and necessity to pay to play online(it's a MMOFPS, after all).NamelessPlayer
Also, would the experience be way better on PC than lets say..Xbox 360 on Xbox Live ? (like Call of Duty 4 for example)
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