Nope. There is, in fact, no real roleplaying in Fallout 3 and Oblivion, as they both lack decent dialogues, the choices are utterly meaningless, you have no real relevance in the world and the leveling is supposed to make you stronger but for some unknown reasons it has the opposite effect.
The fact that they are in there doesn't mean they make them RPGs. The RPG elements are dull and blandly done. The games are enjoyable for the mindless action they offer, they aren't RPGs.
Have you even played those games???? The dialogue in fallout 3 is generally good and often great. Your choices absolutely have weight and meaning in the world. to say that leveling doesnt make you stronger????? that makes no sense at all! leveling absolutly makes you stronger, the enemies just scale with you. Your opinions dont make any sense, the hundreds of critics out there wouldnt have labelled those games as RPGs if they werent RPGs. DUH.
I've played everything on your list (except for Fable 2), and the only game on it with decent roleplaying is KOTOR 2. The rest either have *extremely* simplistic, and often non-meaningful choices (KOTOR 1, Fallout 3) or no meaningful choices whatsoever (Oblivion, Mass Effect).
Fallout 3 and Oblivion both have *terrible* writing - Fallout 3 being judged more harshly here since the first two games had fantastic writing, interesting characters, and genuine humour...none of which were found in the third game.
If the enemies scale with you, there's no point levelling up - in fact, with Oblivion the game actually gets harder every time you level up, as if you're levelling non-combat skills the enemies will end up much stronger than you.
Then again, this doesn't matter since all of your characters/parties in Oblivion/Fallout/Mass Effect end up doing pretty much the same sort of thing by the time they hit their higher levels - rather than specialising like in most great RPGs.
As for the critics, eh, there haven't been many great RPGs in the past decade to compare them to, and few/none of them have been on consoles, so the standards aren't very high.
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