DLC, a haunting shadow which looms over many gamers' mind nowadays. The horrors of games being half-finished and the other half released as extra paid content is an all too common sight. The situation has worsened with the recent introduction of 'online passes' , with developers trying to eradicate used game sales.
Now onto my main point: Bethesda make DLC for their games, but in my eyes it does not detract from the original experience. Why is it that people say "Dark souls will never have DLC therefore it's automatically better than Skyrim which will have XXX DLC packs"?
It baffles me because over the time of Oblivion, Fallout 3 and New vegas, not one of those games has had DLC that is 'required'. All 3 of those games are a unique and engaging experience, taking tens of hours to fully experience without any expansions. DLC for them is simply one of 2 things:
- A perk (EG Horse armor)
- A new area to explore
None of these change the fact that the vanilla game is awesome. Bethesda make games so that they can be enjoyed by many. They only make DLC so that it further fuels the gamers' interest in the game, if there's heavy demand. More importantly, Bethesda never make it feel as if the standalone game is incomplete.
And although some bethesda DLC isn't that great, they can do DLC big, and right. Just have a look at Shivering Isles, Point lookout or Old world blues and you'll realise the magic and scope they create. Many would say "PC modders have always fixed Bethesda's games this generation to unreachable new heights". They would be right. Take a Glimpse at TESnexus and you'll be blown away by what the community can do. However, sadly PC gamers, I'm taking this argument purely from a Console point of view, so please refrain from brining in the MODS loophole.
With the upcoming skyrim, I don't want people to view it as a Greedbox, where Bethesda may clip parts from the game or do day 1 DLC. It's in their heart to create good games, regardless of whether they have bugs or not. And what's even more striking is that Bethesda give players a choice, they can enjoy the game regardless of whether they buy the DLC or not, it'll still give them a lot of fun and more replay value than more games released nowadays.
The bad DLC such as Mothership zeta or Honest hearts or Knights of the nine may not have the polish, but they make it up with soul and innovation, which in my eyes is key even in bad things. The key thing is, is that Bethesda give DLC thats worth your money.
Sorry for the long winded speech, but I hope you've tried to see the point i'm trying to make and see the light in the games they make, whether you like them or not.
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