So all gameplay up to this point in time is nothing without next gen graphics... :?kittykatz5k
God why is this so hard to understand.. ...

Do you see that? Without the evolution of hardware we will still be playing games like that? Simple, straight forward repititve gameplay.
The evolution of hardware is neccasasary.
Do you remember this?
which game do you think enabled you to do more?
God its so simple....Sheep you don't have better gameplay...360 and PS3 has better gameplay. Sheep only play their same gameplay differently. 360/PS3 play revolutionary gameplay.
High defination is only part of this new era. Which do you think is more fun playing against? A.I that does the same repetitive action or A.I that interacts with their enviroment. A.I that intereact with each other....that duck behind rocks, grenade you or run and gun.

Better hardware means bigger world, smarter A.I, More impressive visuals alot more gameplay elements, etc. etc.
It's like saying Newer model cars don't have better handling then older model cars. I mean seriously. I can't believe there would be anyone on these boards that would think Wii has better gameplay,
No, what the Wii does is offer a different way to play on a gamming console which tries to immerse you in the game more.
This is the 360/PS3 era were heading for and rightfully so. Bigger envirements, more enemies on screen, more immerisve A.I, smarter A.I, HD, Online communtiies, and so much more. Imagine SMG with 3x the enemies, 3x visuals 3x the sound, 3x everything. This is what Nintendo screwed you on. There too busy making a profit off of sheep to fatten their pockets and not giving you a revolutionary gameplay and a different way to play, Every person who has bought a Wii has screwed themselves.
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