There are exceptions . Crysis PC is far superior to consoles . GTA 4 console is far superior to PC .
Just tell me one simple thing ,
If PC was master platform why devs releases Top quality games on consoles only as exclusives and not PC ? ( example Dark souls , Uncharted , Gears ) ? How many exclusives you guys got besides Diablo III ?
GTA 4 console is not even close to the PC version, not sure where you got that from, but it runs like absolute garbage on consoles. Also UC and Gears are 1st party games, while dark souls is made by a japanese dev so that almost rules out a PC version instantly and even with that PC has GW2, Diablo 3, Dark Millenium, Natural Selection 2 and DOTA 2, that's all off the top of my head.
Who is interested in all those low budget , indie , rts games on PC ? :lol:
And yeah GTA 4 console port is grabage , thats why it got perfect 10 on Gamespot :lol:
That was 3 RPG, 1 shooter and 1 MOBA, none of which are indie or low budget except maybe NS2. It's quite clear what you are doing and after this I won't bother replying to you. Also yes GTA4 on consoles runs like garbage. I find it hilarious you hate laugh at low budget games then praise dark souls. You know that's a low budget game to right?
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