More loose for sure. And no this only makes it harder to precise aim. Trust me if we could go ahead to head with 360 cotrollers againts DS3 controllers with equel skilled teams. I bet the 360 controller team wins everytime.
That is very debatable. Ever heard of deadzone? Here's an explanation from:
"The dead zone is an area around the center of the analog stick which allows for the aim to rest without the on screen reticule moving all over the place. After careful analysis of both controllers, the PS3 has a slightly smaller dead zone than the Xbox 360's gamepad.
This means that the Xbox 360's gamepad has a larger dead zone, or area where little to no movement is registered. The PS3's DS3 has a smaller dead zone, meaning that it takes less effort to register a movement using the analog stick."
So what does that mean?
"In conclusion, if two gamers with fast reflexes, one with an Xbox 360 controller and the other with a PS3 controller played against each other, more then likely the PS3 gamer would out-twitch the Xbox 360 gamer in pure response time."
Source: http://gamer.blorge.com/2008/11/22/analysis-ps3-vs-xbox-360-controller-comparison/
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