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You have to buy a code, what if you bought the game at launch, I thought the free maps would be free. I'm confused!!![QUOTE="SaltyMeatballs"][QUOTE="mitu123"]
On PC those maps are free, but on consoles, you have to buy a VIP code to get certain maps when it expires, and if you buy the game used, you pay even more, so it's not all free, though there's the ultimate edition to fix that.
you get a VIP code when you buy the game, and you can only use it for one account. after that, the account stays "VIP" and you don't have to buy it ever again.
Hmm, okay. I will try it now actually.[QUOTE="SaltyMeatballs"][QUOTE="mitu123"]You have to buy a code, what if you bought the game at launch, I thought the free maps would be free. I'm confused!!! Buying it new gets it for free for the 1st few maps, but then it expires and you have to buy another one to get more maps like I did. WRONG WRONG WRONG! Quit lying to the people. It is permanent and gets you every single map in the game.On PC those maps are free, but on consoles, you have to buy a VIP code to get certain maps when it expires, and if you buy the game used, you pay even more, so it's not all free, though there's the ultimate edition to fix that.
[QUOTE="SaltyMeatballs"][QUOTE="Kan0nF0dder"] Afraid so, tactical warfare, better balance, harder gunplay, destruction of environment ensures variation game to game, superior playerbase, free map packs, DICE's map design skills, need I go on?ImprovedMindBalance is not better, harder my ass, I stopped playing after owning noobs for months with the M60 God Weapon. Maps worse than BC1. Yes, please go on. Let's see you "pwn" with the M60 now that it has been properly balanced. At least guns in BC2 are different from one another unlike the black ops guns which all feel the same. M60 is absurdly nerfed, I shot an engineer who used the 1st engineer gun on me and we both took each other out, and I put Magum Ammo on my M60, it should be stronger and let me live. I prefer MG3 and even PKM now.
[QUOTE="ImprovedMind"][QUOTE="mitu123"] Buying it new gets it for free for the 1st few maps, but then it expires and you have to buy another one to get more maps like I did.SaltyMeatballsWRONG WRONG WRONG! Quit lying to the people. It is permanent and gets you every single map in the game. He is just telling it from his experience. Maybe incorrect. An I am just informing them that they are WRONG WRONG WRONG. Your point is?
I'm rank 50 in BC 2, and I'm only at 2 pro perks from having all the stuff from Black Ops unlocked.
Bad Company 2 is better game, hands down. The scale of the fights is bigger, the environments changes along the match due the damage dispelled, you have more resources to take in consideration and the gameplay is much deeper. Black Ops is mainly team deatchmatch in all the game modes except in the ones in which the respawn is limited (as in Search & Destroy), in which is caping deathmatch. The game also is more stable and reliable, and in terms of fun can deliver you moments impossible to Black Ops, as killing an entire enemy squad collapsing a building or destroying a blackhawk headshoting the pilot...
BC2 is far from perfect. it doesn't have a variety of different gametypes, and the loading of maps between rounds is very irritating because you can't exit when you like. however I could only stomach BO for one week before I returned it. treyarch pulled a great marketing stunt with their video going on about how they listened to the community and balanced the game. well the spawn killing killstreaks have a lower kill requirement, so it's not an obstacle that killstreak kills don't stack. I was seeing chopper gunners every match, juggled with attack dogs and unblockable radar planes. there is something wrong where one can be spawn killed 5+ times before they even have time to pull out their rocket launcher and try to do something useful. just think about treyarch's decisions for a second. lethal killstreaks after only 3 kills? there is no solid fun foundation to that game. it's all about the unlocks, and even those couldn't help make it enjoyable.
[QUOTE="millerlight89"][QUOTE="SaltyMeatballs"] Yeah it is. I also liked BC2.Lost-MemoryHmm not really. BC2 as stated before has actual tactical planning, bigger/better maps, better graphics, more exciting gameplay, then there is the immersion factor. Immersion is something CoD lacks and always has. BC2 puts you in the middle of what feels like a full blown war. Don't forget the amazing audio setup for BC2, that is just amazing. I'll take BC2 over any cod any day. except, No nazi zombies in BF :( I included that in immersion ;). It really does have fantastic audio. The guns sounds a bit funky, no worse than BO though. Everything sounds superb though.
Port Valdez=Both Nelson Bay=Defenders Valprassio=Both ( I personally think it is pretty balanced on both sides imo) Laguna Presa=Attackers for the first part, maybe second set MCOM stations, Last 2 parts go seem a bit more defender friendly) Atamca Desert=I haven't played this one on rush for some reason :P ( Though I could see it being defender friendly due to layout) Arica Harbor=Both White Pass= For some reason I haven't played that one either :(. There must have been a VIP pack when I took a break) Cold War=Defenders (LOL Map is so terrible) Harvest Day (I say it is pretty balanced towards the end, however the first 2 are defender friendly) Oasis ( Defender friendly for most of the map) Isla Inocentes (More defender friendly, but with a good team it is easy for attackers as well)Ok millerlight89, my thoughts on rush in certain maps:
Port Valdez=Both
Nelson Bay=Defenders
Laguna Presa=Attackers
Atamca Desert=Defenders
Arica Harbor=Both
White Pass=Attackers
Cold War=Defenders
Am I missing a map?
It's ok if you liked these maps, I like some too, but it's obvious to what map favors what side.
Mmm I enjoyed bc2 more than black ops. Black ops is a fun game but after 80 hours I'm bored of it. BC2 lasted me around 250 hours. I don't think I will play it again though, even with the new maps and vietnam expansion.
BC2, but BO has its places.
It has more game modes
A much better singleplayer campaign
Better gun models.
And alot more, for the heck game modes including private matches.
Seriously, the shooting in BC2 is some of the most awesome i have seen, too bad all guns look like toys, i mean, m14 with an acog looks silly man, i really hope they add more customization when it comes to weapons, sure not a silencer, but aesthetic ones.
BFBC2 absolutely slaughters Black Ops. It's like a burly jock fighting the class asberger's kid. :|
pretty much this.
BFs have a strategic element in them. it's not just running and blasting. you actually have to think about your approach if you wan't your team to win.
any real strategy that game could've had was lost when people discovered how destory objectives without entering the buildings (blowing them up) seriously, what gametypes do you people on here play? nobody ever works as a team. you only have these types of people:- vechicle hogs. only cares about the vechicles and usually abandon their team for them.
-road bombers. only care about throwing down landmines and c4 and camping the road. also don't go for objectives or help team.
- snipers aka "bush wookies". since sniping ensures you probably won't get killed by a normal player in this game, you'll find some of the K/D whores doing this. magnum sniping works well and staying away from the objective means that they usually are left alone.
- teamkillers who like to blow up the objective building and friendly vechicles for fun.
- and the last bit goes out to the honest players that actually do something.
now call of duty isn't perfect either, but chances are if you seriosly want "strategy" chances are you're more likely to find it playing search and destroy in COD than in black ops. and i only talked about one game mode in bc2 because the other one is pretty much just domination.
I prefer BFBC2. Black Ops was an improvement over MW2 but it still has the annoying gameplay mechanics that I've hated since MW1. It's nice they give you the option for game modes without killstreaks and all, but if Bare Bones showed anything about COD it's that it's a boring game stripped down. I prefer the idea of helicopters being piloted by real people instead of some AI that can't miss and what not. I could go on, but yeah, BFBC2 is better to me.
that's a streak combo of 8,9,11 (7,8,10) with hardline. your team has to suck to be giving the other team that constantly if at all in a match. oh and as soon as you hear ____ imbound and its a helicopter, you CAN shoot it down before the guy in it has control for even 2 full seconds. and if you know that your team constantly sucks, you can roll with a Sam Turret and just use it to autokill any enemy air support for like 3 minutes. it is only a 3 killstreak with hardline on. and while it can't shoot down a blackbird, it shouldn't matter. all it does it show where people are. it can't hurt anyone. the only real problems with black ops are the knife lunges and the spawn points.BC2 is far from perfect. it doesn't have a variety of different gametypes, and the loading of maps between rounds is very irritating because you can't exit when you like. however I could only stomach BO for one week before I returned it. treyarch pulled a great marketing stunt with their video going on about how they listened to the community and balanced the game. well the spawn killing killstreaks have a lower kill requirement, so it's not an obstacle that killstreak kills don't stack. I was seeing chopper gunners every match, juggled with attack dogs and unblockable radar planes. there is something wrong where one can be spawn killed 5+ times before they even have time to pull out their rocket launcher and try to do something useful. just think about treyarch's decisions for a second. lethal killstreaks after only 3 kills? there is no solid fun foundation to that game. it's all about the unlocks, and even those couldn't help make it enjoyable.
I agree with above, though attackers on Valprassio get a tank, helicopter and UAV, defenders don't get a vehicle.mitu123Oh yea, you're right. However, if your team has reliable engineers it is a breeze imo. However, it seems reliable engineers are few and far in between. They seem to use their damn rockets on infantry more than vehicles :P.
[QUOTE="mitu123"]I agree with above, though attackers on Valprassio get a tank, helicopter and UAV, defenders don't get a vehicle.millerlight89Oh yea, you're right. However, if your team has reliable engineers it is a breeze imo. However, it seems reliable engineers are few and far in between. They seem to use their damn rockets on infantry more than vehicles :P. Oh yes, that Carl Gustav, ugh, it's so overused, I heard it was the 2nd most used weapon for that class.XD I hardly use it, it's weaker than the other RPGs.
BFBC2 absolutely slaughters Black Ops. It's like a burly jock fighting the class asberger's kid. :|
pretty much this.
BFs have a strategic element in them. it's not just running and blasting. you actually have to think about your approach if you wan't your team to win.
any real strategy that game could've had was lost when people discovered how destory objectives without entering the buildings (blowing them up) seriously, what gametypes do you people on here play? nobody ever works as a team. you only have these types of people:- vechicle hogs. only cares about the vechicles and usually abandon their team for them.
-road bombers. only care about throwing down landmines and c4 and camping the road. also don't go for objectives or help team.
- snipers aka "bush wookies". since sniping ensures you probably won't get killed by a normal player in this game, you'll find some of the K/D whores doing this. magnum sniping works well and staying away from the objective means that they usually are left alone.
- teamkillers who like to blow up the objective building and friendly vechicles for fun.
- and the last bit goes out to the honest players that actually do something.
now call of duty isn't perfect either, but chances are if you seriosly want "strategy" chances are you're more likely to find it playing search and destroy in COD than in black ops. and i only talked about one game mode in bc2 because the other one is pretty much just domination.
I must be lucky, as I do come across the types you've mentioned but it's very rarely. Most people I play with online are team players.
First of all, blowing up the objectives' housing structure only works half the time. More than half the objectives can't be destroyed simply by blowing up the house/building it's in because it's either too small or doesn't have one at all. You can bombard the objective with C4 or Mortars, but Mortars take forever and if you sneak up onto an object and plant C4 on it you deserve to blow it up. That team should have been paying attention and it takes longer planting C4 than simply detonating it anyway.
- I don't think I've ever encountered a vehicle hog in the manner you described. I have encountered people that take the tank almost every game match it's available, but they've always attacked objectives with them and supported their team. I usually play as an Engineer, so I'm used to being near tanks repairing them and the players I'm accustomed to bombard the enemy base and back off when in need of repairs.
- I don't remember the last time I saw a land mine, as they're borderline useless since they can be spotted and easily avoided. And the only time I ever see C4 is when someone is aiming to take down a building or placing some on a tank that's being a nuisance.
- Noobs that come from other games that try to snipe in this game are pretty common and useless as sniping is more difficult in this game thanks to there being no hitscan. If that's what you mean, I agree. Otherwise, good snipers and the ones uping their K/D are fine as landing kills in Rush mode is always a benefit since respawn time is a bit higher than other games and gives a good window to attack. Those snipers, that are laying serious hurt on the enemy team, are all but ignored.
- Came across a few of those. Not very many though. I wish the community was perfect, but that'll never happen in a game. There will always be douches.
- Spawn killing is less of a problem in Battlefield than other games. I find the spawning in BO absolutely atrocious, and other games with set spawn points are often the subject of hardcore spawn killing. But considering you can spawn off a team mate and practically anywhere on the map because of that, I don't see a problem. I've also never spawned in a base and was killed immediately as bases are usually big enough and seperate you from the enemy.
And you're more likely to find strategy playing search and destory in COD and not Black Ops? Zuh?
I own both for pc. Bad Company 2 is currently the better game but who knows what will be better once mod tools for blops is released. SAGE_OF_FIREI hope the PC community takes advantage of mods for BO(I have it ordered for 40 bucks off amazon), something BC2 lacked and should have had. Graphic mods would be pretty sweet.=p
[QUOTE="SAGE_OF_FIRE"]I own both for pc. Bad Company 2 is currently the better game but who knows what will be better once mod tools for blops is released. mitu123I hope the PC community takes advantage of mods for BO(I have it ordered for 40 bucks off amazon), something BC2 lacked and should have had. Graphic mods would be pretty sweet.=p If anything it will restrict Acti from putting a price on maps.
[QUOTE="mitu123"][QUOTE="SAGE_OF_FIRE"]I own both for pc. Bad Company 2 is currently the better game but who knows what will be better once mod tools for blops is released. SAGE_OF_FIREI hope the PC community takes advantage of mods for BO(I have it ordered for 40 bucks off amazon), something BC2 lacked and should have had. Graphic mods would be pretty sweet.=p If anything it will restrict Acti from putting a price on maps. That's always a plus.=p
bad company 2 multiplayer by miles
you have tenfold gameplay variety and polish. destructible environments, huge maps, shifting terrain. Vehicles and balance.
shifting terrain? balance? lolwut? if by shifting terrain u mean buildings collapsing and then being able to just hide in the ruins or ontop of them then sure..but besides that the TERRAIN stays the same... and balance? I dont think so... U can easily destroy a team if u have pro helicopter pilots and u circle their base... also LMG + Medic is a overpowered class.bad company 2 multiplayer by miles
you have tenfold gameplay variety and polish. destructible environments, huge maps, shifting terrain. Vehicles and balance.
[QUOTE="Dead-Memories"]shifting terrain? balance? lolwut? if by shifting terrain u mean buildings collapsing and then being able to just hide in the ruins or ontop of them then sure..but besides that the TERRAIN stays the same... and balance? I dont think so... U can easily destroy a team if u have pro helicopter pilots and u circle their base... also LMG + Medic is a overpowered class. I hope you've seriously put sometime into BC2 because what you don't know what you're talking about. You can deform the terrain so much using explosions that you can create holes for people to hide in. A heli that circles your base is easily killed by a tracer or even someone firing a rocket far ahead. And LMG and Medic is overated. Medics get owned in cqb and if a tank comes rolling in, they're dead too. And Bad Company 2 multiplayer is way better than Black Opsbad company 2 multiplayer by miles
you have tenfold gameplay variety and polish. destructible environments, huge maps, shifting terrain. Vehicles and balance.
[QUOTE="campzor"][QUOTE="Dead-Memories"]shifting terrain? balance? lolwut? if by shifting terrain u mean buildings collapsing and then being able to just hide in the ruins or ontop of them then sure..but besides that the TERRAIN stays the same... and balance? I dont think so... U can easily destroy a team if u have pro helicopter pilots and u circle their base... also LMG + Medic is a overpowered class. I hope you've seriously put sometime into BC2 because what you don't know what you're talking about. You can deform the terrain so much using explosions that you can create holes for people to hide in. A heli that circles your base is easily killed by a tracer or even someone firing a rocket far ahead. And LMG and Medic is overated. Medics get owned in cqb and if a tank comes rolling in, they're dead too. And Bad Company 2 multiplayer is way better than Black Ops these days you have to be either super pro or the other team super retarded if you want to pull off apache dominance. especially on atacama desert or the other attack helicopter maps (port valdez being an exception). the amount and accesibility of the AA guns is baffling ever since they added the VADS turret thing. and by shifting terrain I meant shifting maps in rush. i personally never liked being a medic, I was always assault or engineer. sure LMG's are pretty good, so are the assault rifles and submachine guns, there really is not imba at all.bad company 2 multiplayer by miles
you have tenfold gameplay variety and polish. destructible environments, huge maps, shifting terrain. Vehicles and balance.
well...considering i got bored with black ops mp and am still playin bfbc2....immma go with bad if only bf3 came out
i listened to people around here and wasted 40 bucks to play BFBC2 (on Steam) a few months ago, before Black Ops. Almost no one was online, servers with no people playing etc. I just got around my hatred of Activision and started playing Black Ops... I'd say it's better than MW1. Don't listen to the haters man, don't waste your money on BFBC2.theBeornBut I did waste my money on BC2 and enjoyed it, still getting BO though.
[QUOTE="campzor"][QUOTE="Dead-Memories"]shifting terrain? balance? lolwut? if by shifting terrain u mean buildings collapsing and then being able to just hide in the ruins or ontop of them then sure..but besides that the TERRAIN stays the same... and balance? I dont think so... U can easily destroy a team if u have pro helicopter pilots and u circle their base... also LMG + Medic is a overpowered class. I hope you've seriously put sometime into BC2 because what you don't know what you're talking about. You can deform the terrain so much using explosions that you can create holes for people to hide in. A heli that circles your base is easily killed by a tracer or even someone firing a rocket far ahead. And LMG and Medic is overated. Medics get owned in cqb and if a tank comes rolling in, they're dead too. And Bad Company 2 multiplayer is way better than Black Ops i invested a bit over 50 hours into the multiplayer and im telling u there isnt anything like u said (creating holes in the ground) Unless the 360 version or pc version magically do this and when u get killed 1 second after u spawn how exactly do u plan on shooting the tracer dart yet alone the rockets? with 2 helis circling its game over.. im not even exaggerating so many games where the whole match consisted of that.bad company 2 multiplayer by miles
you have tenfold gameplay variety and polish. destructible environments, huge maps, shifting terrain. Vehicles and balance.
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