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Bad Company 2 is better but people who use the 12x scope and sit 3 miles off in the distance and shoot me right before I start shooting a guy causing me to die pisses me off. Nowhere close to the level of anger I get when I'm at a 10 kill streak on MW2 and I get commando knifed from 15 feet away
Depends wht i'm up for. Fast paced multi = MW2. Slower, more tactical with larger maps = BC2.lundy86_4
Even with the objective-based gametypes (Rush), with a good squad, BC2 can be pretty fast-paced. That is: as long as you don't have any squad members playing Recon and being idiots hanging out a mile from objectives when you're on offense....
I mostly play with friends (>100 Gold Squad pins) so it's always constant action when I play :P
BFBC 2 wiped the floor with MW 2...PERIOD! Why you ask. One simple reason......REALISM! There are zero perks in BFBC 2 that allow you to run around the maps at 250 mph with two SMG'sall while allowing you to mysteriously become invisible to radar and not take any falling damage!!! LOL!! Seriously, anyone that is even still wasting their time on MW 2 should have their head examined!! As long as DICE/EA keep putting out BFBC games, Ill keep ignoring MW/CoD games from here forward!
[QUOTE="lundy86_4"]Depends wht i'm up for. Fast paced multi = MW2. Slower, more tactical with larger maps = BC2.Velocitas8
Even with the objective-based gametypes (Rush), with a good squad, BC2 can be pretty fast-paced. That is: as long as you don't have any squad members playing Recon and being idiots hanging out a mile from objectives when you're on offense....
I mostly play with friends (>100 Gold Squad pins) so it's always constant action when I play :P
Definately. I've not put much time into the 360 version as i'm waiting to pick it up on PC. From what i've played personally, it's been slower (due entirely to my noobness), but i'm just getting into stride with it :P
bad company, imho Battlefield games will always surpass cod games (watch the DAY after I say this Battlefield Petz will release, and Cod:1944 will come out and I will be eating my own words :|)
I prefer BC2 over MW2. Both are good in their owns ways though. Battlefield 3 will probably blow everything away when it comes outthough. I'm alsocurious to see if Medal of Honor will be able to compete with BF & CoD.
95% of the replies you'll get will favor Bad Company 2. Even though I think it's better than MW2, it does seeem like the bashing has been getting out of hand.
I've always preferred the Battlefield series, but not to take anything away from the COD series, which is great also. I think if COD wants to be on par with BFBC, they need to incorporate vehicles in their next installment. The destructible environments also make it interesting. I also didn't think it was possible to up COD4 and MW2s graphics, but BFBC2 has done it! I'm surprised EA hasn't started licensing out that amazing Frostbite engine!!
i just want to know why you like it beter but in a civilized descussion unlike most of these fourms95% of the replies you'll get will favor Bad Company 2. Even though I think it's better than MW2, it does seeem like the bashing has been getting out of hand.
i personally think that bc2 is better because there is less camping, less racist 10 year olds, vehicles that are fair, more tatical, and no 50 foot knife rangegammon56I like BC2 a lot better as well. I don't use a mic (very ironic for a PC game, eh? :P) and mainly stick to team deathmatch, but for the most part I'm enjoying it a lot more than MW2. Except for the time I became the laughing stock for getting killed 5 times....stupid me was trying to off a tank...with my grenade launcher. Ironically, it wasn't the tank that killed me :P.
lol so much love for BC2. now all they have to do is market the **** out of BC3 and release it before MW2. domination.
As in they ignore the objective and just kill kill kill?BC2, but there seems to be a lot of COD players on it.
Definitely Bad Company 2, but I've maxed out every class but the medic which I'm about half way with and I'm wishing there was more stuff to get.
Maybe just camoflauges or something to keep me coming back.
There are class packs coming March 18. Theyy should add stuff(I don't know what. I just saw them in the Upcoming section of the BC2 store when entering my VIP code)
BC2 has less camping than MW2?
I've played both and it seems to me than BC2 has much more camping. Not only that, but it seems the whole game and the way the maps are encourages camping, unfortunately.
Everything else about the game is good, but the camping is atrocious.
In multiplayer, no doubt its Bad Company. Both have their share of flaws, with spawn camping being rampant in BC2 and camping in general just being a problem. BC2 is glitched like crazy, MW2 is glitched like crazy. Overall though, BC2 is larger, more team oriented, and DICE has promised a better DLC strategy to keep players going. BC2 also rewards player for skill and tactical thinking over twitch shooting and lone wolfing it, while I find its also better balanced and while killstreaks offer similar explosive vehicle content in MW2, they completely take away anyteamwork whe everybody just cares for kills.
Single player is a bit of a contest though, BC2's single player was more tactically inviting, but it was pretty glitched and not quite as smooth. It didn't have the epic feel (which I attribute to the mix of FPS and cinematics, which makes it hard to appreciate a moment in one view or the other, hard to explain but I guess I'm just used to immersive FPS story views), and was equally short with less of a challenge in hard.
Both have smart enemies, environment and gameplay variety, a story worth listening to, and are fun but I think MW2 wins simply because many of BC2's moments are parodies of MW2, and it feels like it takes in the exact same universe at times, especially with the references. MW2 is also more immersive and epic I'd say, even if the story is incoherent and unrealistic. MW2 also has co-op Spec Ops mode which is a plus.
Overall, I'd pick BC2 after some hard thinking, though if it had at least a simple Horde like co-op mode it would be definitive for me, and thats not even asking of a full on 4 player co-op like I think it should have had.
COD4 is better than both(my opinion of course)... but between these two I have to say BC2 just because I can use a tank and feel awesome owning everyone. I just wished more people would play it, so far no one in my buddy list is playing it. And I really hate playing with random players, because our team always loses.
To be honest, I got sick of both games mp pretty fast. I dont hate either game nor think either game is great. Mw2 lets you kinda be a 1 man army and get away with it, which is fine for a guy like me with no real life friends that play games like myself. Bfbc2 on the other hand takes teamwork and once I figured the game out, I get very annoyed when there is no team and everyone is playing mw2 style which happens often, :I am playing on pc, bfbc2 remides me of WOW can be great but it takes team work and 9 times out of 10 if you dont know anyone, it is fail, I see myself moving on quickly, as I have been playing less and less each day.
on the internet BFBC2 is more popular but in reality MW2 is more popular. People on the internet just complain because they just suck at the game. Yes im aware that MW2 isnt all balanced but it does satisfy the players. And the people who cries about campers, play smarter there are PLENTY of ways to beat them. BFBC2 will only last on the PC but the console fanbase will not last half as long. and when Map pack drops people will be all over mw2 again.LenGenDoubt it! All the map pack sin the world cant fix the mess that is MW 2. If IW was smart, they would just call for a redo and make a good game this time. What in your opinion is so good about MW 2??? I for one can tell you what sux about it....
1. Killstreaks are lame. What was wrong with the 3, 5, 7 kill system in CoD 4? NOTHING!!!! Really? I can get 4 kills and get a Care Package that contains a Chopper Gunner or an AC 130??? Wow, in an instant a total noob, average joe goes from 4 kills to 12 because of a random box drop...LAME!!
2. The guns all feel the same. There is ZEEEERO recoil. Any idiot in MW 2 can run around with an AUG HBAR and look like a freakin hero. Hey look at me, I can hold down the right trigger and spray bullets with no effect on my accuracy.
3. AKIMBO Shottys with the range of a rifle??? Big LOL there!!!
4. Wait, I thought MW 2 was supposed to be realistic? So in real life I can magically equip something that makes me run 100% faster, equip another thing that lets me run without tiring and also equip something that allows me to fall 100 feet with absolutely no damage upon landing??
5. You mean to tell me that this rocket or grenade cant penetrate that wall that a @#*!@ Sniper is dug in behind? Realistic??? NOT!
6. Lame attachments!! Heartbeat Sensor = worst idea for a CoD game ever. It is the Juggy of MW 2. A noob tool to camp with!!
7. Oh and my favorite. If I dont hold my breath, I cant shoot my Sniper rifle straight. Yes, then breathe out and you gun bounces all over the place like a super ball on crack! Oh and to add to that, there is absolutely ZERO chance of someone running around a map with a .50 caliber Barret Sniper. Those guns are HUUUGE and need to be mounted or seated on the ground or a wall/ledge on a bipod and yet a gun that shoots bullets that are about 7 inches in length that in reality would rip a man in half still take two shots to drop someone in MW 2 non head shot!!! How about a movement penalty for anyone that uses a Barret?
I think maybe Infinity Ward should spend some quality time with the guys at DICE and see how a real military FPS is made!
Doubt it! All the map pack sin the world cant fix the mess that is MW 2. If IW was smart, they would just call for a redo and make a good game this time. What in your opinion is so good about MW 2??? I for one can tell you what sux about it....[QUOTE="LenGen"]on the internet BFBC2 is more popular but in reality MW2 is more popular. People on the internet just complain because they just suck at the game. Yes im aware that MW2 isnt all balanced but it does satisfy the players. And the people who cries about campers, play smarter there are PLENTY of ways to beat them. BFBC2 will only last on the PC but the console fanbase will not last half as long. and when Map pack drops people will be all over mw2 again.NemeSyS-1
1. Killstreaks are lame. What was wrong with the 3, 5, 7 kill system in CoD 4? NOTHING!!!! Really? I can get 4 kills and get a Care Package that contains a Chopper Gunner or an AC 130??? Wow, in an instant a total noob, average joe goes from 4 kills to 12 because of a random box drop...LAME!!
2. The guns all feel the same. There is ZEEEERO recoil. Any idiot in MW 2 can run around with an AUG HBAR and look like a freakin hero. Hey look at me, I can hold down the right trigger and spray bullets with no effect on my accuracy.
3. AKIMBO Shottys with the range of a rifle??? Big LOL there!!!
4. Wait, I thought MW 2 was supposed to be realistic? So in real life I can magically equip something that makes me run 100% faster, equip another thing that lets me run without tiring and also equip something that allows me to fall 100 feet with absolutely no damage upon landing??
5. You mean to tell me that this rocket or grenade cant penetrate that wall that a @#*!@ Sniper is dug in behind? Realistic??? NOT!
6. Lame attachments!! Heartbeat Sensor = worst idea for a CoD game ever. It is the Juggy of MW 2. A noob tool to camp with!!
7. Oh and my favorite. If I dont hold my breath, I cant shoot my Sniper rifle straight. Yes, then breathe out and you gun bounces all over the place like a super ball on crack! Oh and to add to that, there is absolutely ZERO chance of someone running around a map with a .50 caliber Barret Sniper. Those guns are HUUUGE and need to be mounted or seated on the ground or a wall/ledge on a bipod and yet a gun that shoots bullets that are about 7 inches in length that in reality would rip a man in half still take two shots to drop someone in MW 2 non head shot!!! How about a movement penalty for anyone that uses a Barret?
I think maybe Infinity Ward should spend some quality time with the guys at DICE and see how a real military FPS is made!
4. What made you think that?
7. And now realism is a problem? You have lungs that expand and decompress, when looking through a scope I imagine the body movement caused by this is quite noticeable. It's bad enough just looking through a regular sight. Especially when you start inhaling after having held your breath for a while.
The rifle is only 10.7kg. Don't know how much the scope and ammo would add, but I doubt it's significant. I don't think running with this weapon would be much of problem for trained snipers. Would be kind of a ****ty weapon if it encumbered the user enough to the point of immobility. The bipods are for increased support, accuracy and handling. But yeah, obviously soldiers wouldn't be running around with this thing and stopping to shoot people standing up. But then they wouldn't suck up ammo magically through telepathy by standing near an ammo container either. Or have their parachutes just magically disappear and repack themselves into their invisible backpacks. How unrealistic BC2 is, mememememmaemeem... Stupid realism.
Haha, check this out. Also the actual bullet is only like 2 inches if you want to get factual about it.
Oh and if it hasn't been mentioned, Bad Company 2 features the M95 as well, and unless you're within medium range or shoot the guy in the face, it is a two shot kill. Although it takes out like 95% of his health, so you could just fart in his general direction as that would probably be enough to take him out.
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