So basically the PS3 is going to kill the 360 with features and a price cut that the 360 has has for quite sometime now? Doen't anyone remeber the big 2.50(?) update that was supposed to turn the tide? Yeah, that turned out AWESOME.
Don't you guys ever get tired of this idiocy? IT'S TOO LATE.
The PS3 is an excellent piece of hardware with some great games, but it's over for this gen. Nothing the PS3 will do except actually turning into a 360 is going to change that. The 360 has to stop selling hardware completely worldwide or the PS3 has to start selling at the rate of the Wii to make up any difference anytime soon. That ain't going to happen.
By the time the PS3 catches up with the 360, even with the extended hardware cycle many believe will occur this gen, price drops will matter little as MS can most likely match any price drop Sony makes.
It's time for people to just accept that Sony will be in 3rd place this gen. It isn't going to kill Sony off and hopefully next gen they will have learned their lesson.
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