When you look at exclusives and multi-plats, you have to keep in mind what gaming system the multi-plats are actually on.
If you compare the PS3 and the 360, and you leave out multi-plats, you should only leave out the games that the two systems actually share with each other to determine the overall quality. Leaving out Bioshock because its on the PC makes no since, being just because its on the PC does not mean that somehow the PS3 can play it, or it doesnt matter.
Sheep are the main offenders in the "Multi-plats dont count" bunk. The sad fact is that Nintendo's console, while it has its own games, gets NONE of the big AAA multi-plats, and never will. So Nintendo fans just pretend that games like Burnout, COD4, Oblivion, Orange Box, Assassins Creed, Ninja Gadien Sigma, and Rainbow 6 Vegas simply do not exist. All of those games are AAA on the PS3, and none of then are available on the Wii. Thats more AAA's right there then the Wii has in total.
If the system your trying to defend doesnt have the game, its counts. Sorry Wii, you miss out on far more good games then you actually get.
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